Page 62 of Unknown Royal Baby
Avril’s eyes widened. She wasn’t married yet and everybody knew she wasn’t a virgin. ‘But I wasinvitedto dance with them.’
He nodded. ‘Exactly. You did nothing wrong. Hafiz was trying to turn it into an insult. To say that the dance is only for sexually inexperienced women rather than simply for those about to marry. His statement reflected badly on him rather than you. As soon as he spoke out, pretending to be affronted, he was howled down.’
She digested that, forcing down distaste. ‘And the incident in the market?’
Isam’s pinched mouth and set jaw signalled discomfort. Or was that anger? ‘He heard about your visit to the sweet shop and tried to turn it into something it wasn’t.’
She thought over her visit to the vast covered market and the couple of minutes she’d spent in a delightful stall. The owner had invited her behind the counter so she could see how some of the delicacies were made and she’d left, smiling, with a box of tasty treats.
‘I don’t understand. I didn’t do anything except taste some food. Shouldn’t I have accepted the sweets?’
‘As I said, you didn’t do anything. It was just about you standing close to the stallholder.’
‘But it was a tiny space.’ Her eyes rounded. ‘And we were in full view the whole time, apart from the counter between us and the rest of the market.’ Her words tailed off as she read his expression. ‘You’re not serious! He thought the man hit on me?’
Isam looked uncomfortable. ‘No, the opposite.’
Avril opened her mouth then closed it, words failing her. Eventually she managed, ‘He accused me of what? Trying to seduce the guy?’
She shot to her feet and stalked across the room, arms wrapped around her middle.
‘I told you it was nonsense. It’s not about anything you’ve done or could do better.’
‘No,’ she croaked from a tight throat. ‘It’s about what I am. A scarlet woman, is that it? Because I had your baby.’
She turned to see Isam on his feet, concern pleating his forehead. He strode across to her, reaching for her hands but she whipped them behind her. She didn’t want him to soothe her. She wanted,neededto know.
Isam froze as if she’d slapped him and instantly she regretted her action. But at the same time, she’d grown too used to being lulled by his reassurances.
‘Tell me.Please, Isam.’
He shoved his hands in his trouser pockets, the action somehow making his straight shoulders seem even more powerful.
‘You’re right. Hafiz has tried to run that story. Since his attempts to disrupt my work haven’t succeeded, he tried to blacken your character. But,’ he continued when she would have protested, ‘he hasn’t succeeded. In fact his outlandish claims have rebounded. He’s made himself a laughing stock and will soon lose what little support he thought he had. Everyone can see that you’re not the sort of woman he claims. In fact, you’re becoming very popular and admired.’
That might be true, yet Avril felt sick, nausea churning her stomach and her skin prickling hot then cold.
‘Why didn’t youtellme?’
‘Because of exactly what’s happening now. I wanted to avoid upsetting you. It was so patently untrue. No one believed his insinuations. Besides, Hafiz is about to abandon his political aspirations. You don’t need to worry about him any more, Avril. I’ve seen to that.’
Avril frowned. That was good news but it didn’t change the fact Isam had hidden the truth from her. ‘I deserved to know!’
His steady gaze held hers. ‘I apologise if you feel I’ve let you down. I didn’t want to worry you. I put you in this position and I’m responsible.’
Her voice climbed an octave. ‘Stop saying you’re responsible for me. I’m responsible for myself!’
If he said it was hisdutyto protect her she might just scream. It was unreasonable but she’d come to hate that word.
Because she wanted to be so much more to him than a duty, someone he needed to protect.
Hurt as she was, it also pained her that the loathsome Hafiz usedherto get at Isam.
‘I know you’re trying to do the right thing, Isam, but you’re not helping. You’re making this harder for me. I’m trying desperately to fit in but you won’t trust me with the truth about things that concern me. You don’t treat me as a real partner.’
His horrified look spoke volumes. ‘You must know I trust you, Avril.’
Slowly she exhaled a shuddery breath. ‘I do.’