Page 66 of Unknown Royal Baby
‘I told you. Hafiz is a spent force. Once we identified his spy in the palace we were able to catch him red-handed trying to sabotage not only me but senior members of the government. He’s just confessed everything in a formal interview. The transcript of that tape will be shared with members of the Royal Council tomorrow. That’s when I was going to tell you, as soon as it was over.’ He paused then seemed to force himself to go on. ‘The council will need to discuss it but Hafiz’s bid for power is finished. Too many influential people will know about his underhand ways.’
Avril slumped back in her seat, relief filling her. If by her actions Hafiz had been able to wheedle his way onto the throne she’d never have forgiven herself.
But there was no relief from the pain she saw ahead, the pain even now racking her body. She bowed her head, staring at her tightly clasped hands, wishing there were some easy way out of this.
‘Are you really so unhappy, Avril?’
Her vision blurred and she blinked, refusing to let the tears come. She nodded.
‘Is there nothing I can say to persuade you to give us another chance?’
The breath caught in her throat as she heard tenderness and pain in that warm baritone voice.
He was a good man, a wonderful man, trying to do his best for his daughter, his country and even her. It wasn’t his fault he didn’t love her.
Avril moistened her lips and swallowed hard, tempted to tell him there was one thing that would change her mind. But she’d never hear those words from him. He’d make a loyal and dutiful husband, but that was all. She’d never be the light of his life.
She cleared her throat. ‘I’m sorry,’ she whispered.
At least, she realised, this wouldn’t be goodbye for ever. He wanted an integral role in Maryam’s life. The obvious answer was for Avril to move with her somewhere close. It would be tough living in Zahdar without Isam, but her fantasy of returning to London was just that. Their daughter deserved both her parents and Avril had too much experience of parental neglect to deprive her.
That was the answer. A home in Zahdar’s capital, or a smaller town along the coast a little where Avril wouldn’t have to look up and see the palace every day.
That was an option at least for the first few years, so father and daughter could bond. After that maybe she’d return to London, with Maryam visiting her father for holidays.
Surely, Avril thought desperately, they’d find some workable arrangement.
The sound of Isam’s chair being shoved back from the desk made her stiffen. He wasn’t going to try to tempt her into changing her mind, was he? She knew what she needed to do but seriously doubted her ability to withstand Isam’s kisses, even now.
Her head snapped up.
But instead of circling the desk towards her, Isam stalked to the window, staring out into the night, a crumpled paper falling from his hand. He shoved his hands in his trouser pockets, the action drawing the fabric tight across his firm buttocks, making her drag in an unsteady breath. She was still vulnerable to his potent attractiveness. She guessed that would never change.
Avril saw him in profile, proud, almost austere with his rigid posture and tight jaw.
‘Very well.’ His voice was gravel, scouring her flesh and her aching heart. ‘I won’t try to change your mind.’
His chin lifted and she saw his throat move convulsively. In this light he looked powerful, almost arrogant, yet that movement betrayed vulnerability. Pain bloomed. Not for herself but for Isam.
‘I’ve been thinking,’ she began, but he cut her off.
‘You don’t have to worry. I’ll arrange everything. The announcement, the travel. But it may be better to wait a day or two before you and Maryam return to London. That will give my team time to sort out the security logistics, not just for your travel but longer term.’
Avril frowned. ‘Longer term?’
Isam nodded, the movement brisk. But he kept his gaze fixed on the view beyond the window, as if he preferred not to see her.
‘If you and Maryam are going to live in London I want to make sure you’re safe. Let us do a security audit. In fact, it would be better if you let me buy you another house, one that’s more private. Meanwhile you can stay in my London hotel suite.’
Avril swayed, momentarily unsteady, and had to reach for the desk to keep her balance.
He was agreeing to let her take their daughter away? To raise her in England?
‘But if I take her to the UK you won’t see her often.’
She saw him flinch, shoulders rising high under that dark jacket before he pushed them back down.
‘I’ll visit her when I can.’