Page 24 of Knotty Pumpkin
The murmur of a soft conversation hits me as I slowly wake in my nest. Wait, no, not mine. It’s theirs, they were just gracious enough to let me use it so that I was safe during my heat.
My eyes blink open. Gritty with sleep it takes a moment for them to focus. The room is bathed in a warm afternoon glow. Stretching my sore, achy limbs, I look aroundrealising I’m alone in the room. The voices seem to be coming from the hall outside the nest.
The luscious coffee scent of Noah, and toasty marshmallow scent of Corey still linger in the room, coating the sheets and my skin. I inhale deeply, letting the feeling of comfort wash over me. They can’t have been gone long.
Propping myself up on my elbows I glance around. Beside me on the bed is a tray with a cold bottle of strawberry lemonade flavoured vitamin water, a protein bar and a small jack-o-lantern themed bowl full of Halloween candy. Lined up on one side of the tray are a couple of fake spiders. Grinning to myself, I pick one up and begin counting the days. If I’ve only been out for the night, then…
Holy shit, it’s Halloween!
I freaking love Halloween. Dressing up, trick-or-treating, bingeing myself on lollies and creepy films.
Grabbing the water, I chug a few mouthfuls down, finishing half the bottle. The protein bar is chocolate, and I take a few bites of that as well, before finishing the water, excited to see what the guys have planned for tonight.
Throwing the sheets off, I jump out of bed, grimacing at the ache in my thighs. My body is always sore after a heat, but this is a different level. Images of the three of our bodies tangled together flit through my mind. I want to do every single thing again and again. It was so fucking hot.Who knew my pussy could take a double knot? Or that sharing cum would make me orgasm on the spot.
These alphas will be the death of me.
Making my way to the bathroom, I stop short as I notice steam coming through the open door. The water is running too, something I hadn’t heard above the cacophony of my own thoughts.
A light coffee scent tints the steam, and I grin. Noah must be in there.
Not giving a fuck about my nudity—my alphas have seen it all now—I enter the bathroom to find Noah standing over the large tub filled with steaming water and bubbles, turning off the faucet.
My scent billows out from me as I perfume for him. The way he looks in those Rhy’s Gym singlets, biceps and thighs bulging, has my omega on her knees begging for more, despite the excessive amount of cock she’s had in every freaking hole the last few days.
Down girl.
He turns to me, the sweetest smile breaking out across his face. I rush forward, my heart swelling in my chest. It might have been our scents that drew us together, but after our date, and this heat, I can’t imagine feeling this way or being with any others ever again.
Corey and Noah feel like home.
Wrapping my arms around his neck, I push up on my tip toes, finding his lips and stealing a kiss from him. Noah’s hands wrap around my waist, pulling me close as he kisses me back, gently nipping my lower lip.
Pulling backwards, I laugh, tilting my neck to look up at him.
“How are you feeling, Pumpkin?” he asks softly.
“I feel good. Sore, but good. Refreshed and… at home.” A blush creeps its way into my cheeks as a sudden feeling of shyness takes over me. What if they don’t feel the same and want me out of their space as soon as possible? What if Luke is too big of an issue for them?
Noah’s smile transforms into a massive grin, and he kisses me again, more passionately, a clash of teeth and tongue. My nipples pebble and slick threatens to run down my thighs.
“This can be your home, if you want it to be, Saylor. Corey and I would love to have you here, to try our hand at being pack, if that’s something you’d like to explore with us?”
I nod, a grin breaking out across my own face.
“Of course it is, I was worried that maybe you wouldn’t want me and all the baggage I come with…”
“What baggage?” Noah asks, stepping back and lightly taking my elbow. “Here, get in while it’s still hot.”
Doing as he says, I step into the tub, sinking down into the hot water until almost all of me is below the surface. Leaning my head against the edge of the tub, I watch as Noah sits on a small stool beside me.
Swallowing the lump in my throat, I force the words out. “Luke, and the issues he’s already causing.” If I never have to speak his name again it will still be too soon.
“Saylor,” Noah starts, his voice even despite the burnt, angry edge his coffee scent takes on. “We would never reject you because of the actions of another person. It’s in both our natures—Corey’s and mine—to protect, not turn away those in need. Even if you weren’t our scent match, we’d have done what we could to protect you from that motherfucker.
I know Corey told you about Macey. That’s what inspired him to do what we do. My alpha instincts, and the loss of my family, drew me toward omega protection.”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know you’d lost your family. That must have been so difficult.”