Page 34 of Dump and Chase
I was scouring the fridge for a snack when my phone chimed.
Not bad. Lots of paperwork and egos. The previous PT didn’t like computers. ? Getting to know everyone. How is training camp?
A pain the ass and everywhere else.
She sent back a laughing emoji.
I loved being able to talk to her. Everything about her made me smile. And that was a bad thing.
I pulled out some steamed broccoli and carrots, chicken, and brown rice. I pretty much ate the same thing every day, but I did like swapping out the chicken for salmon on occasion, and mixing up what vegetables I was eating. I didn’t lead an exciting culinary life during the season but did let myself cheat once in a while.
My phone buzzed with a FaceTime call. I took one deep breath and tapped the icon. Mom and Ava showed up on my screen.
“Hello, big brother,” Ava said. “How are you doing out there on the coast?”
“Good. It’s been okay.”
“Any rain?” Mom asked. She loved to know about the weather, and when it was twenty below in Minneapolis, I gloated about the green grass. In return, loved to tell me how sunny it was back home while I was in rainy Vancouver.
“Not today. Sunny and warm. Sorry to disappoint you both.”
We made small talk for a bit, before Ava said, “I hate to cut this short, but I’m going out for dinner with Matt. Mom said you had something to talk about.”
“It’s not about your dad’s will, is it?” Mom asked. “I thought that was all wrapped up, and I haven’t heard anything from the lawyer lately.”
“Nothing like that,” I said as pleasantly as possible. “As far as I know, everything is done.” I cleared my throat and tried to think up the best approach for this conversation. I’d been doing it for the last hour and kept coming up blank.
“So you know I mentioned the Ravens job to Tangi,” I said.
Mom’s face was blank, but Ava nodded. Of course she knew everything. Well, almost everything.
“Yeah, I thought that was a bit strange,” Ava said. “I’m sure Brandi wasn’t amused.”
It was no secret that Mom and Ava didn’t care for Brandi. They hadn’t come out and said it after meeting her, but it was obvious the way they interacted with her. The phony pleasantness was lost on Brandi, but I could tell. Mom and Ava didn’t have that natural affection toward her like they did with Tangi.
“I mentioned that the Ravens were looking for a new physiotherapist,” I said to Mom. “Their last one retired right before the season. She applied and got the job.”
“Oh, that’s nice,” Mom said, not making the connection.
“And the Ravens play in Vancouver,” I said, hoping that might twig something.
“I see,” Mom said. “Where is this going, Ethan? Are you getting back together with Tangi?”
I could hear the hope in Mom’s voice. “No, I’m still engaged to Brandi.” At least for now.
Ava put her hand up to stop the conversation. “I have five minutes before I need to get out of here, so I really need you to get to the point.”
I cleared my throat and swallowed. “Tang is pregnant. I’m the dad.”
At first I thought the screen had frozen and I’d lost the connection. Neither Mom nor Ava moved an inch. When Ava finally blinked, I realized I’d stunned them both into silence. Mom then brought her hand to her face, and I thought she might be crying?
“Wow. I wasn’t expecting that,” Ava said. “Let me get this straight. She’s there with you and you still somehow have a fiancée? Are you poly now, or do you just like having a mistress on the side?”
“Funny,” I said. “Brandi doesn’t know yet.”
“Oh god,” Mom muttered.
“It just kind of happened.”