Page 77 of Dump and Chase
“I will if Jim will.”
“Funny, Jim said the same thing.”
“Why don’t I talk to him tomorrow? I think that maybe both of us just want this to be over. And I certainly hope Dube isn’t coming back.”
“I’m pretty sure his hockey career is finished.”
* * *
I had to tell Ethan before he found out from someone else, so I sent a text. There was no point calling him because he was about to take the ice in Calgary. He’d see my text after the game and flip out then. Easy.
I was a bit nervous about what happened, but everything about the baby felt right, and pregnant women took spills all the time, didn’t they? Then I thought of Ilya mentioning his mother had a miscarriage while vacuuming. Why had he told me that?
I texted Jill and Wolseley for support. Wolseley was working at the restaurant, so I wasn’t expecting a text back. Jill immediately sent a video chat invite. I told her the story, and in usual Jill fashion, she told me to make a police report.
“I’d rather it all went away.”
Jill frowned. “Let me put it to you this way. If he pushed you, do you really think you’re the first woman he’s ever done that to, or the last?”
I hated when she made a point. “I’ll think about it. In the meantime, for the next forty-eight hours I have to worry about losing the baby.”
Jill’s face softened and warmed. “Your bambino is going to be fine. Doctors have to tell you the risks because it’s their job. Why don’t you take it easy for a day or two. Call in sick. They can survive without you.”
“And be alone instead? At least at work I’m around people.”
“Point taken. But think about it. Instead of letting you worry, I’m going to get your mind off it. Guess who has a business meeting in your neck of the woods in January?”
“No! Really?” The thought of Jill coming for a visit had my heart soaring. A friend to spend time with for a few days.
“I haven’t told anyone, but I’ve been promoted to head of PR for the new Canadian stores.”
“That’s amazing!”
“I start next week. The job is going to be a challenge since the expansion has been a mess, and store openings are delayed. Three stores were supposed to open this month, and they’ve all been pushed to January. I can’t believe we’ve missed the Christmas season, but there were some supply chain issues.”
“But this is a huge promotion.”
She smiled and nodded, but something wasn’t right. “It is, but I’m a little concerned about the launch of the stores. We’ll see. I can tell you more when you come home for Christmas.”
I checked my watch and saw it was nearly eleven in Minneapolis, so I ended the call because I knew Jill was too polite to. I pulled out a book and tried to read to keep my mind occupied. The baby was kicking up a storm, and I decided that was a good sign. I nodded off at some point, but my trilling phone startled me awake.
“Hello,” I mumbled.
“I got your text. What the hell happened?” Ethan sounded frantic. In the text I’d told him I’d fallen at work, gone to the hospital, and everything was okay. Now it was time for the whole story. I told him everything, without holding a detail back, because it would all get back to him anyway. I was sure I heard him kick a trashcan or something, because a rattling sound reverberated through the phone.
“Dube is finished,” he said for about the fourth time. “I’ll make sure of it. I’m going to talk to the guys. He will be untouchable.”
I needed to be the calm one because Ethan was losing his mind. “I think Dube needs proper intervention. Maybe from mental health professionals. He has clear anger issues that seemed to be fueled by something. If he gets help he might be able to sort out his life.”
“I don’t give a shit about him right now. In the morning, Rothesay is going to hear about this. And I agree with Jill. You and Jim should be talking to the police.”
Why had I told him what Jill had said? “I’m going to sleep on it. Which reminds me, it’s late and I have to work in the morning. I’ll text you how I’m feeling, and we can talk before your game tomorrow. By the time you get back on Thursday, the forty-eight hours will have passed, and everything will be fine.”
He begrudgingly agreed.
I just hoped everythingwouldbe fine.