Page 86 of Dump and Chase
“I just don’t want to rush things, okay? I don’t want us to get caught up in emotions and the holidays.” She fully faced me now, her large hazel eyes full of uncertainty. “You just got out of an engagement, one that ended because of me. And I don’t want you jumping back into a relationship with me because it’s safe, or because I’m pregnant with your baby. And I’m not interested in playing house or just having a good time. I’m going to be a mom in four months. I need stability and a partner who is serious.”
I was taken aback by the last part of her statement. “I’m not serious?”
She regarded me for a moment. “I’m not sure. Are you? Or is this a game for you? I’m not sure if you’re competing with Brandon or feeling lonely without Brandi or you really want to be with me. If we’re ever getting back together, I have to know it’s for the right reasons. It’s not just about me anymore. We have a baby to think about.”
How stupid had I been to think everything was going to work out? But I wasn’t going to argue with her because when she made up her mind, there was no changing it. “Okay, I’ll do that.”
“Good. It’s the right thing to do.”
No, it was what she wanted to do. I wanted to be back in her life, back in her bed, and back together, and I had no idea how to prove it to her.
We didn’t say much else, and when we finished breakfast, I said I was going to hit the condo gym. What I really did was grab a jacket and take a walk to clear my head. The streets were crowded with people shopping for post-Christmas deals. I put up my hood and walked to a nearby park. I sat on a bench and grumbled to myself. Then I texted Craig. I needed a friend who would give me intelligent advice, and that wasn’t going to come from Jeremy or Ryan.
You around to talk?
He replied almost instantly.
Got the day off. Didn’t you hear about the storm?
Right, how could I forget it. I gave him a call.
“How’s it going there?” I asked. “You digging out yet?”
“Finally stopped late last night. I did some shoveling this morning, and I’m going to head over to your mom’s to help out there.”
“That’s nice of you, but I hired a service for her.”
“Yeah, well, they are behind, and she says she needs to get out. I’m not sure where she needs to go, but I didn’t push it.”
I had an idea where. Dad’s grave to wish him a merry Christmas. She was probably devastated she couldn’t get there. “Thanks, man.”
There was a reason he’d been my friend for so long. We’d been through everything together, including hockey, but he’d quit when he couldn’t make a junior team. I’d told him to keep trying, that we’d train together, but he was tired of trying and I couldn’t blame him.
“What’s up?”
I filled him in on Christmas with Tangi and what she’d said this morning. Craig listened without interrupting. He cleared his throat when I was finished, and I braced for a lecture.
“She’s not wrong, Ethan. Brandi dumped you less than three months ago. The last thing Tang wants is for you to get back together with her just to realize that’s not what you want.”
“But I do want her. I’m serious this time.”
“Then do what she wants. Take a month or two to figure your shit out. And if you still feel the same way about her, then go for it.”
“And what happens in those two months? She keeps going out with Warde?”
“Ahh, so that’s what you’re worried about. That she’ll dump you for your rival?”
I groaned and got up from the park bench to take a walk. Thankfully, the park wasn’t that busy. Just a few people walking their dogs and the odd jogger. Everyone else was out shopping.
“A little. He’s different, and I hate to admit, good-looking. He’s also tenacious. She obviously likes him. If I take a step back, I may lose her.”
“And if you smother her, you lose her.”
“So just hang back?”
“No, not necessarily. But be yourself. Be the guy she fell for. And when you decide you want to be with her, because I’m pretty sure that’s what is going to happen, make sure you give her want she wants. And if you have to ask me what that is, you’re more hopeless that I thought.”