Page 24 of The Sweet Spot
“Nothing,” Ryan said. “I barely know her.”
That didn’t surprise me since he had no connection to her. But Jeremy, and more so Ethan, did.
“What little Jill told me,” Jeremy said.
I stared at Ethan, waiting for him to at least look up from his phone. The guy was an ass, but he was also one of the best forwards on the team, and I had to make nice with him, especially when we had been co-captains last season. I quickly learned he wasn’t a leader, something he actually realized, since he wasn’t exactly a mental giant.
Ethan finally glanced up and noticed all pairs of eyes on him. “Oh,” he said. “Yeah, Wolseley. She’s cool. Super nice. I can see why the guy took advantage of her. She’s way too nicefor her own good. Sleeping around with the loser was her downfall.”
I sat up. She’d mentioned fooling around with the guy, but a full-blown relationship? I guess I hadn’t made that connection. “How long were they together?”
Ethan shook his head. “Nah, I don’t think they were together. Sounds like they had a short thing, and he probably dumped her. Who knows. She seems to attract losers.”
He was looking at me now, implying that I was one of those losers. A total asshole, that’s what he was. Tangi deserved better.
“So that’s where the sexual harassment is coming from?” I said, choosing to ignore Ethan’s barb.
“Maybe. Never met the guy. Glad I didn’t. I would’ve punched him out.”
For once, Ethan had been moderately helpful. I’d hoped to have more pieces of the puzzle, but this would do for now.
Chapter Fourteen
Having a few days to myself seemed a bit weird, but I took advantage of my seven-day-a-week job. Well, I still did a bit of work by making a grocery list for the next day, but other than that, I had nothing to do, so I took the opportunity to spend time with my two best friends.
With no rain in the forecast, we planned a walk in Stanley Park. Jill picked me up, and we met Tangi and Maddy there. Tangi had barely put Maddy in the stroller, and the cutie was rubbing her big brown eyes and yawning.
“She’ll be out any second,” Tangi said. “She didn’t have a nap today. She’s gotten used to taking naps with Ethan on game days, but when he isn’t around, she fights me and the nanny on it.”
We planned an hour-long walk since the weather called for no rain. I brought along a bottle of water for myself and snacks for my friends to try. All new protein-packed treats for Brandon if they passed muster.
“How’s it going with Brandon?” Tangi asked.
“Really good. I’m getting to know him and all his quirks.He’s determined to teach me all about hockey and suggests the two of you should take me to a game to see it all live.”
“I can get us the tickets,” Jill said. “You name the game.”
“The next one would work for me. I think it’s still preseason, right?”
“Just one more game before the season starts. And then the fun begins,” Jill said, peeking over to check in on Maddy, who was already fast asleep.
“Something else happened. Brandon and I have gotten into the habit of chatting during his dinners, so we’re getting to know each other. He asked me all about the restaurant, and I mentioned Daniel and what he pulled. So get this,” I said, trying not to sound too excited. “Brandon has put me in touch with his aunt. She’s a big-time lawyer in New York, and she connected me to a lawyer in St. Paul. To make a long story short, we are going to sue Daniel before he can come after me. It was all Brandon’s idea.”
Jill pursed her lips. “Didn’t I mention something like that?”
“Yes, but I didn’t have any resources then.”
“We would have helped you out,” Jill said, glancing over at Tangi. “Right?”
“Yes, we would have if Wolseley asked, but she didn’t because it’s none of our business, right, Jill?”
Jill got the hint and let the subject go.
“Sounds like an excellent plan you have now,” Tangi said. “Let’s hope Daniel goes away for good.”
“That’s the idea. And Brandon’s aunt was so nice. She assured me that Jan was going to teach Daniel a lesson.”