Page 21 of Under the Radar
“Another strike against them is that he did the same thing to someone else eighteen months ago on another ship, different cruise line. The woman he stalked that time didn’t have your patience and turned him in twelve hours after embarkation. Chaz’s wife didn’t have the chance to assault that woman. She assaulted you, Mo. We can’t have our guests worried about safety when they travel with us.”
Worried about safety?Mo’s trashed apartment flashed through her mind. Oh, no. Had she turned off her phone? Where is it? Mo jumped up and scanned the room frantically until she spied it on the marble table.
Mac slid forward on the couch. “Is everything okay?”
“Huh? Yeah, it’s fine.” She grabbed her phone. The display was black, and it wouldn’t power on. Thank goodness, dead battery. She dropped it in her purse. Maybe she should tell Mac about her messed-up life? He’d understand. But why ruin the evening? There was no danger here. She sat at the table. “I’m sorry. You were saying?”
“We offered them a deal,” Mac continued. “They could return home on us, or we’d press charges in Miami tomorrow and leave them in police custody.”
Well then, good riddance. “Thank you. I’m glad they’re gone.”
There was a knock on the door. Mac rose and offered her a hand. “That’s Dominica with our dinner. Let’s eat.”