Page 35 of Under the Radar
“Maureen, you need to remember that you are the victim in this situation and not the perpetrator. Your mother doesn’t know about this. I’m not saying a word to her unless it becomes necessary. I’m sure she and her friends haven’t even noticed the extra security because they’re fairly stewed in gin and enjoying the beach.”
“Maybe you should’ve gone with her, Dad. You’d be blissfully unaware of my strange circumstances too.”
“Bite your tongue, Mo. This is the only time your mother takes for herself. The husbands stay home on purpose. This yearly getaway is quite the raucous affair. I’m quite content to be home eating carryout.” He cleared his throat. “Which brings me back to my earlier point. You need a bodyguard. I can pull a few strings and send one down on the next flight to join you.”
Alarm raced through Mo’s mind. Mac wouldn’t take too kindly to sharing his days, and God forbid, his nights with a bodyguard posted at the stateroom door or sitting next to them on a beach. The mere thought of it threatened to plunge her into a fit of laughter over the absurdity of the idea. Her imagination conjured up newsworthy headlines like Security Specialist Throws Man Overboard or Cruise Line Refuses To Board Bodyguard.
“I already have a bodyguard of sorts. I’ve met someone. He’s ex-military and knows how to handle himself.” She would’ve preferred telling her dad about Mac over a quiet family dinner but oh well.
There was a pause in the conversation from his end. “Really? Tell me about him.”
The rustling of paper in the background drew a pretty accurate picture of her father snatching an engraved pen from his shirt pocket to take notes. Well, it was as good a time as any. She spilled the obvious information like Mac’s name, military service, and family business. By the end of their conversation, she’d given her father Mac’s cell number to contact her in the future.
“My dear girl, is he worthy of you?”
Mo smiled. It was just like her dad to think only the best of her.
“To tell you the truth, Dad, I’ve been wondering if I’m worthy of him.”