Page 39 of Under the Radar
He has no shame.Mo grabbed his dallying hand with both of hers and stopped him.
They must’ve been on the other side of the island when Hugh swerved into a parking lot and pointed out a row of colorful boutiques and several open-air restaurants on the water. He stood at the door and helped each tourist out of the van, reminding them he would be back in three hours to take them to the beach or casinos, whichever they preferred.
An older gentleman clapped Hugh on the back and laughed, “I think you nailed every pothole, young man. Good job.”
Mo stretched and leaned into the van to grab her purse.
Mac put his hand on her arm. “We’re not staying here. I have to do an errand. We’ll rejoin the group later if you want, okay? In the meantime, think about if you want to hit the beach first or a restaurant. I’m fine with either. It’s up to you. Once I get this short errand done, the day is all yours, honey.” He pulled her close for a quick kiss and smiled.
“Oh. A short errand, right?” She raised an eyebrow.
“I promise. Bear with me?” He crossed his heart with two fingers.
“Alright, but I’m not sitting on the spring this time.” She climbed in the van and stretched her legs across the backseat. Mac hopped in the front next to Hugh.
Ten minutes later, they parked in the lot of a light blue cinderblock building situated next to a canal and got out. The front was lined with flags from many nations and a riot of colorful flowers. Hugh strode to the door of the building, punched in a code and held it open for her and Mac.
“Welcome to my travel agency, Miss Maureen. Please make yourself comfortable. The facilities are that way,” he pointed, “and here is my hard-working Felicia.” He grinned at a pretty woman sitting behind a long granite counter. “Felicia, please offer our guest some refreshment. Some Switcha, perhaps?” He motioned for Mac to follow him.
Mac turned to her. “Give me fifteen or twenty minutes. That’s all I need.”
Mo nodded and waved him on. “Go do whatever you need to do. I’ll use the restroom and find out what Switcha is.”