Page 58 of Under the Radar
The low rumble of the ship’s engines engaged, and Mo rolled over, stuffing the pillow under her head. She patted the other side of the bed. It was empty. Darn.
Forcing one eye open, she inhaled a sharp breath. Mac was buttoning his pale pink dress shirt, and a handsome striped tie hung around his neck. Not to mention, his gray trousers showed off those muscular hips and marvelous, taut butt. I’ll take some more of that.
Yes, she’d had a lot ofthat last night. After dinner, Mac had hauled her off to the bed and decorated her like a dessert tray by covering her nipples with chocolate ganache, dabbing fresh whipped cream on her belly, smearing thick buttercream icing in her center folds and artfully arranging little cupcake pieces on her mons. They’d laughed so hard the cupcakes threatened to tumble off so he’d anchored them with a dollop of icing. And then, with a flourish of his hand, he’d fluttered a lightweight linen napkin across her face so she couldn’t see which sweet treat he’d eat first. It was the most erotic fun she’d ever had in bed.
It was hard to believe that a little over a week ago Mo boarded this ship thinking she’d travel solo and contemplate how to fix her life. She could get real used to watching him dress every morning. Those long fingers sliding a button through a hole, the snap of his tie submitting to a precise Windsor knot, the tucking of his shirt around bulging deliciousness, and no, don’t do it, zipping everything shut. Whew. That was better than high-test coffee. She was wide awake now.
Mac cleared his throat. “I hope you enjoyed the peep show, Reardon. Your pheromones have been jumping on the bed the past few minutes. I expect I’ll get to watch you undress at my penthouse later on?” He smirked and tossed a pillow at her. “There’s coffee on the veranda. Want me to call the kitchen and order your breakfast before I leave?”
Mo slid out of bed and pulled the covers up. “No, that’s okay. I want to get in a run before I eat. I’ll grab something in the Lido before I pack.” She glanced at him over her shoulder while searching for her sports bra. “Unless you want to eat together before you leave? Maybe some French toast and bacon?”
Mac laughed and slipped his watch on. “No can do. I’m stopping in the kitchen and fixing myself a big plate of eggs and meat.” The corners of his mouth turned up. “No carbs this morning. I ate a lot of dessert last night.”
Mo giggled as she struggled into a sports bra. “Yes, you did. I hope it was worth the calories?”
He snickered and shook his head. “It was the most fun I’ve ever had playing with my food.”
Grinning, she slipped into running shorts, flipped her head over, and corralled her hair into a ponytail. “I don’t want to get off this floating paradise. A good run will help me clear my mind.”
He handed her a hairbrush and stood behind her in the mirror. “It’s going to be fine, honey. We’ll get this mess figured out. You’ll stay at my place. It’s safe there.”
Mo turned her face away. “I’ve never been the kind of person who’s scared to move on. But inside I feel frozen—as if stepping off that gangplank will change me forever.” She shrugged. “I’m probably being silly, but I’ve got this terrible sense of foreboding that I wasn’t expecting.”
Mac placed his hands on her shoulders and kissed her cheek. “We’re going to handle what’s ahead—together. We’ve got time. You’ve got time.”
She sighed and slid her arms around him. “Sorry to take a lighthearted start to the day and make things heavy.”
“It’s alright. You have every right to be concerned. But we’ll figure it out. One of these days, we’re going to build a life together and get married. I love you, girl.” He touched a finger to her lips. “Don’t say anything now. Save it for the formal ask, and answer me once you’ve had time to think about it. Think about marrying me while you’re running.”
Mo pressed a hand to her heart. If her life wasn’t such a mess, she’d say yes right now. “When and where do we meet later to disembark?”
“One o’clock—here. Have your room steward bring your bags. We’ll leave together. I’ve already arranged for the Sanctuary crew to drive us. Try not to worry. I’ve got a secure building with 24/7 surveillance.”
She pasted a confident smile on her face for him. “Sounds like a plan. Is it okay if I charge my phone now?”
“Sure. But don’t use it. I’ll get you a burner later.”
She nodded. “I just want to see if I have any texts from Tia on her honeymoon and check for work emails.”
“You can look all you want, but don’t reply to anything. No phone calls or social media. Do not announce that you’re home.”
“Got it. See you at one o’clock, Commander.” She planted a kiss on his chin. “You sure it’s me you want to hold onto, Mac? I have no intention of being a trophy wife.” She folded her arms across her chest.
He gave her a quick hug. “I’m not in the market for one of those anyway. As far as holding on to you? I look forward to the challenge.” He winked at her and strode for the door. “I gotta run.”
She needed a run too. If only to burn off the apprehension she felt about her immediate future.