Page 56 of Hostile Witness
Tia lingered at the door, watching as Mac slid into the back seat of a dark Mercedes sedan. There was a whole lot more to that man than the self-effacing person she’d met. And there was something familiar about him, too, but she couldn’t put her finger on it. He carried himself with the authority of someone in charge. Of what? She had no idea.
Ethan came back inside with his duffel bag and set it by the front door. “Considering the events of this afternoon, is it okay if I stay the night?”
She waved the question away. “Yeah, sure. I’d feel better with you here. Plus, I have questions for you.Fourlanguages, Ethan?”
He faced her and bloomed crimson.
“Yeah, that. I wish he hadn’t mentioned it.” He pulled out his phone.
“A couple of advanced degrees? I’m surprised you’re not teaching at a university or working for the federal government.”
“Like I mentioned before, I’d wither on the vine at a desk job.”
She bent down to pet Flynn. “Uh-huh. What else don’t I know about you?”
His green eyes riveted on her. “A lot.”
Oh my. “I’m curious. When did you install the front and back cameras?”
“I had other people do it in the evening.”
She wheeled around. “What? Who were they?”
He held up a hand. “I had the Feds watching your house the night of your traffic stop. They put the cameras up. Easy enough to do.”
Her mouth fell open. “You had the Feds watching my house? Like in the movies? Dark sedans and stale coffee?”
He pointed to his eye. “You can kick my ass again, if you want. But I’d like to have makeup sex after and, if you don’t mind, no more shiners. This one’s healing up.”
Tia crossed her arms. “Are you really a local cop? You speak four languages, order a government agency to watch my house, and bring me doughnuts from Philadelphia at dawn. Who. Are. You? Is your name really Ethan Kelley?”
“Yes, that’s my real name, and yes, I’m a local cop. Mac asked the Feds to watch your house when I said I wouldn’t leave you unprotected.”
Her eyes widened. “Who do you work for? Besides my uncle.”
“I don’t handle interrogation on an empty stomach very well. It’s a nice evening. Let’s go get a bite to eat. We’ll sit outside somewhere, and Flynn can come with us.” He strode to the fridge and opened it. “Or would you prefer uncooked tofu with horseradish and pineapple jam?”
“You’re avoiding my questions.”
“No, I’m not. I’m hungry, and it would probably do you good to get out of here for a while, considering today’s events. Plus, I need to drive by the precinct and drop off this fabric that Flynn found.”
Tia drew in a resigned breath. “Okay, I could use a margarita.”
They chose a cozy bayside bistro with renowned crab cakes, a reggae band, and a panoramic view of the upcoming sunset over the shimmering water. Tia took a sip of her salt-rimmed margarita. It fizzled, exploding tequila and lime on her taste buds.Yum.She leaned back and sighed with satisfaction.
This was the first time she’d been out socially without Mo in two years, and she wasn’t even nervous. What exactly did that mean? Flynn lay down on the cool tile and rested his snout on his paws. Poor dog had to be exhausted after getting stuck for God knew how many hours. Ethan perused the menu across the booth while her foot tapped a Caribbean beat under the table.
She’d used to love this place before her life had turned into a series of horrors. Judging by the great music, the tiki bar, and the scent of savory seafood wafting from the kitchen, there was still a lot to love. Not to mention the very interesting man with stellar bedroom skills seated with her. What was the rest of his story?
Why had he decided to bring her here of all places? This resort town had dozens of fast-food options and quick-serve ethnic eateries vying to tickle their palates. But he’d chosen arestaurant with ambiance and music and a front-row seat to what promised to be a glorious sunset.
How odd. She’d stopped protesting his presence in her life and longed to run her hands up and down his massive chest.
The waitress sidled over to their table, batting her eyes at Ethan.
Nice try, honey.