Page 12 of Until I Find You
“Okay. Wednesday, everyone will getaligned, so we need to prepare for that. You want me to make a slide deck?”
I lift my shoulders. “Sure, I guess that’d be good.”
“It will be great.” She grins. “Okay, I’ll get to work on that, then we’ll have to spend some time practicing so that you give off CEO energy and–”
What the… “Do I not give off CEO energy now?”
Camilla’s head cocks to the side again, and she gives me a placid smile. “You absolutely do. You’re already dressing for it.”
Something about that doesn’t feel like a compliment.
“We just need to make sure you’re exuding as much leadership potential as possible,” she explains. “You know, we’re trying to bring together this team of people to bring your ideas to life. Which reminds me, we need to spend some more time brainstorming names for–”
“I’m bringing this team together.”
Camilla’s eyes widen. “Sorry.”
“It’smyteam. Not our team.”
Any hint of a smile fades away. “Right.”
“So frankly, you needn’t concern yourself with what kind of potential I do or don’t have. It’s not on you if the team isn’t impressed by me.”
Camilla frowns. “Of course, it’s on me. I want this to succeed just as much as you do. Just because it’s not my brainchild doesn’t mean I don’t care. Not to mention, it’s nice to have a job.”
I scratch the back of my head. “Listen, I don’t know if Seth was as clear as he could have been with the scope of your job, Camilla.”
“Okay, then let’s talk about it.” She leans on the island across from me, hands splayed out on the slate countertop.
We stare each other down. It takes everything in me not to let my eyes drop to the place where her blouse pulls away just enough to reveal her cleavage. Her breasts are just the right size, and god, how I’d like to touch them.
Fucking focus, Jack.
“You’re assisting me. That’s what Seth told me would be happening. And I don’t know what he might have communicated to you–”
“He indicated I’d be an assistant with benefits.”
There’s a throbbing feeling between my legs.
Cool it.
“What’s that mean?”
“I’m here at the ground floor. He suggested that might come with certain privileges. You know, a little bit more influence and say. Which is why I thought…why I was saying…” Camilla stops and waves her hand through the air. “It’s your company. I’m just another set of hands.”
I sigh. “I suppose that fair. Your title, though, is still assistant. This is my company. You don’t have to worry about your reputation being attached to what the company is or isn’t. You’ll be paid as long as you do your work, which so far has been satisfactory.”
Camilla scoffs. “Satisfactory?”
“More than.” I grit my teeth. She might be beautiful but god she’s a pain in the ass.
“Only say that if you mean it.” She blinks a few times. “Anyway, boss, what’s next on the agenda?”
“I…” I wipe my hands down the front of my slacks. “Well, we should talk about that timeline you mentioned.”
Her smile returns. “Great idea! First things first, securing a plantation, right?”