Page 26 of Until I Find You
Our eyes connect for a moment. Only a single moment, but it’s long enough for me to get the picture.
My heart pumps harder. “I’m what?”
I step closer to her again.
It was hard enough when I thought this attraction was one-sided. But am I reading her right? “I’mwhat, Camilla?”
I have been keeping this side of me hidden for so long. And ever since she called me sir, I’ve been wondering and wanting. More. But I knew she didn’t feel the same.
Now Camilla’s given me an inch, an inch I so desperately needed, and I guess I want a mile. I want to know what she thinks of me, how she sees me.
If it’s anything like the way I see her…then I understand why she’s terrified.
Because I’m terrified too. But I need to know.
My voice lowers. “Camilla?”
She lets out a tight breath. “You are…appealing. All right?”
She turns to walk away, but I move faster, cutting her off at the end of the island.
Her body nearly collides square into mine.
She yelps in surprise, tries to take a step back, but runs into one of the chairs tucked under the island.
Instead of moving away, though, she looks up at me.
Every nerve in my body burns for her. I want to grab her, pull her flush to me, have her feel me. Let herknow. More than that. I want to make her feel safe. Protected. Taken care of.
But I don’t. “We’ll just have to promise to keep things professional, then. I think we’re both capable of that.”
Camilla’s inky lashes darken her eyes, and they lower to my chest as she bites her bottom lip, making me even harder.
Her voice comes out soft. “What about me?”
I frown. “What do you mean?”
Her eyes stay downcast, and her hands go to the hem of her blouse. “Uh…Am I…” She clears her throat. “AmIunappealing?”
I resist a smile.
“I mean, you know, because we should even the playing field. Since you know I find you a…appealing and all, so I should… you know...”
Seems funny to be dancing around the word attraction. Appealing feels tame in comparison. Objective. Clinical, almost.
Attractive would imply there’s a pull between us.
I feel that pull. Deep in my bones. However, it would only get worse if I spoke it into existence.
“Camilla, I find youvery…appealing.”
Blood rushes to her cheeks. “Oh.”
Camilla shakes her head. “Not really.”