Page 78 of Until I Find You
I hope this is okay.I adjust the collar of my dress as the elevator takes its smooth journey up to Jack’s apartment.
He’s not expecting me. I couldn’t help myself.
I spent some of my day off shopping, needing to refresh my wardrobe for investor meetings and the like. However, I got sidetracked. I ended up abandoning my search for business attire and turned my attention toward pleasure.
I browsed with Jack’s eye, looking for pieces that might please the Daddy in him. Flouncy dresses, delicate fabrics, innocent silhouettes. All said and done, I spent the budget I’d set aside for business clothes all on new pieces for playtime with Daddy.
As I was hanging the pieces up in my closet, anticipation flooded through me. Call me impatient, but it felt unfair to myself and my new beautiful garments to shove them away.
I donned one of my new dresses, a frilly pink thing that makes me look like a porcelain doll, and headed right to Jack’s penthouse.
When the elevator doors open, my heart leaps into my throat. I have never surprised him. Not like this. Now, I’m nervous.
I step up to his door which is directly across from the elevator. The only door up here. I unbutton the front of my coat to give Jack a full view of the dress when we’re face to face and tuck my hair out of my face, inhaling to gather my courage.
I have a key, but I’d much rather see the surprise on his face when he opens the door and is face-to-face withme.
I press the doorbell inlaid in the wall and wait, holding my purse in both my hands at my knees.
The door flies open. I paste on my biggest smile.
Except it’s not Jack I’m faced with.
It’s a really tall, buff guy with tattoos climbing up his arms. He smiles at me, though there’s confusion in his brows. “Uh, can I help you?”
I pull my coat closed as a reflex which is silly. I’m not wearing lingerie. Just a dress. Still, though, this wasn’t meant for anyone but Jack. “Uh…hi.”
The man stares at me, waiting for more.
“I’m–uh–“ I shove my hand out to him. “I’m Camilla Graff. Jack’s business partner.”
“Oh, shit! You’re Seth’s–yeah!” The man grabs my hand and shakes it, his smile easing up. “I’m Mason.”
Mason. That’s a familiar name to me. If I recall, Mason and Jack’s brother, Nate, are both in a relationship with the same woman. I have to meet this woman and ask her how she did it. Because Mason is very attractive and if Nate is half as attractiveas Jack, she’s hit the jackpot. Not that two men at a time has ever interested me.
“Nice to meet you. I was coming by to go over some paperwork with Jack.”
Mason’s eyes drop to my very small purse which doesn’t hold more than a phone, wallet, and lip gloss, much less paperwork. “We’re having a guy’s night, right now.”
“Right! Of course, he’s–it’s guys night.” I’m starting to ramble. Great. “So, I’ll go, and you all can enjoy!” I say as I start to back away. This is so embarrassing.
“No, no. You should at least come in and say hi! I’m sure Seth and Jack would love to say hi.”
I take another step away. “No, really. It’s all right. This was spur of the moment. Out of the blue. I should have let him know I was thinking of stopping by, but my brain is all work, work, work and–”
“Nonsense!” Mason scoops his arm around my shoulder and pulls me inside.
“Really, it’s fine, I’ll just–” I try to wriggle out of his grip and get back to the door, but it’s too late. I am pulled into Jack’s open concept apartment which means all eyes are on me.
Seth is the first face I see. He looks up from one of the couches, a hockey game playing on the television behind him. He is surprised but welcomes me with a bold smile. “Graff! What are you doing here?”
There’s a blonde man next to him who also looks up, giving me an affable, golden retriever-like, “Hey!”
“I just had some…” I scan the room until I find Jack who is leaning at the end of the long island that separates the kitchen and living space. I lose the ability to speak that very second when I see him.
I’ve never seen him so casual and laidback, wearing a band tee and some gray sweatpants so low slung on his hips all it would take is a strong gust of wind to knock them down. “Paperwork. To go over. And I thought I’d stop by, but you’re busy.”