Page 11 of Until I Have You
I turn around and quirk an eyebrow at my friend.
Sonia might be married to my dad and the mother of my youngest half-siblings, but we’re close in age and became fast friends.Which means I’m not afraid to push her a little bit.
“You told him to inviteTheo?”
Sonia hikes Liam up on one hip while Emma sucks on Sonia’s collarbone.“Yes.Why wouldn’t I?”
I pull the empty chair back to the table a little more forcefully than I need to.“Because he’s not a good guy, Sonia.”
“Oh, my god, don’t start with this again.”
“Again?When have I ever –”
“You were upset Theo was even in the wedding party, if you’ve forgotten.You made it everyone else’s problem.”
I shake my head.“That doesn’t sound like me.”
Sonia smirks.“Sure, it doesn’t.”
I go to Sonia and take Liam from her to alleviate the ache she must be experiencing in her arms.
My little brother nuzzles his cheek against mine.
It might be tiresome being a built-in babysitter, but it also means the twins have imprinted on me in a deep way, and I will always cherish it.
“Sonia, Theo isn’t a good influence on Dad.”
“Your dad is over fifty, and Theo’s in his mid-forties.What kind of antics can they really get up to?”
I roll my eyes.“First of all, don’t be ageist.”
“Oh, my god, Abigail–”
“Second of all, when my parents split up, my dad disappeared for like four months and when he came back, it turned how he’d been fucking around–”
“Language!”Sonia scolds.
“Sorry, sorry.”I look into Liam’s dark eyes and tickle his chubby belly.“Fudging around Europe, partying and drinking and living the good life he couldn’t live when he had responsibilities like being a dad and a partner.”
Liam laughs, music to my ears.
However, Sonia is less amused.“That was your father’s choice.Not Theo’s.”
“It takes two to tango.”
“I don’t think that phrase is applicable in that situation.”
I toss a hand in Sonia’s direction.“Whatever.My point is, Theo brings out the party boy in Dad.And I know you don’t know that version–”
“I’ve gotten bits and pieces.”
“Bits and pieces don’t amount to the person my dad was when he didn’t want to be a dad anymore.”
I love my dad.But he was a young guy with three baby mamas by his mid-twenties.He tried to stick it out with my mom, he really did.Except without a marriage certificate, it was easier for him to cut bait when it wasn’t working anymore.
Sonia smiles softly.“Abigail, that was, what, twenty years ago?”