Page 86 of Until I Have You
Fuck me, he’s looking pretty.His skin is paler than it was when he left New York, but he’s clean shaven, and his hair has been trimmed over his ears, the silver hairs clearer now.
“You look lovely,” Theo says.
I hold my jaw from falling open.He can’t just say things like that in front of my dad.
“She looks more like her mother every day,” my father says, apparently none the wiser.
Theo grins.“Thank goodness for that.”
Thank goodness so that he’s not fucking a female who looks like his best friend?
I’m reading too much into it.
“Is Bonnie nearby?I’d love to say hello,” I change the subject.
“She’s with Sonia,” Dad tells me, nodding through the crowded room.
“Great!”I say without a second thought and walk away without giving Theo a final look.
It rips me apart to leave him like that, but he’s already taken it a bit too far.We have to keep our profile low.And if I have to be the one responsible for it, so be it.
It’s almost like magnets repelling one another throughout the evening.Any time we get too close, one of us steers away to another conversation, to use the bathroom, to do anything but show the world there’s more between us.
As part of the wedding party, I’m steeped in all the activity.
It’s a good distraction, being at the table with all my family and closest friends.That way I can’t steal looks from Theo too often.
Bridget and Seth are on cloud nine, ready beyond a shadow of a doubt to be married.And Bridget is already three sheets to the wind.
“I want to go out,” Bridget announces.“Can we go out?”
Seth kisses the side of her head.“Anything you want tonight.And forever.”
“Barf,” I say, like a reflex.
I know my view on romance and life in general is starting to get old to everyone.But it’s an easy cover.A distraction to throw them off the scent of what could be happening behind closed doors.
Sonia’s shoulders collapse.“I should really check on the twins.”
Dad gives her a squeeze on the shoulder.“You go out.I’ll stay in with them.”
Sonia grins.“Don’t act like that’s what you’d rather be doing.”
The two of them start to flirt.Barf again.
I draw my attention away from my family, the ever expanding one, the one that I seem to be on the outskirts of.
I turn just in time to see Theo hefting Bonnie into his arms.Her head heavy and eyes closed.
I smile to myself.The poor thing is probably jet lagged, tired from all the traveling.
With a steady hand pressed to her back, he makes for the exit, not bothering to make his rounds for goodbyes.He has his priorities in line, that’s for sure.
I glance back at the table.No one is paying attention to little old me.So, I excuse myself to the bathroom.
I trail behind Theo and Bonnie, keeping back so he doesn’t notice me coming until he stops at the bank of elevators in the hall outside the restaurant.