Page 15 of Shattered Fears
“I can’t ruin your life. You have to walk away and move on. We can never be together.” It was his turn to plead, now. He knew he should run the other way. Just the feel of her touching him again was sending him crazy. Her scent was all around him, and he was bathing in it.
“Shifters believe in soul mates, don’t they?” she questioned, and he nodded an affirmation. “Then, you know why I’ll never be out of your life.” She moved her hand across his chest until it reached his heart. “I’m in here.” She placed her other hand on the side of his head. “And in here. I’m never going to leave even if I do have to make the decisions that you say. I’m yours. I haven’t lived for five years. I’ve barely breathed until the moment when I saw you coming out of the shadows tonight. Don’t walk away from me again. Please. Be who you are, and we can work through it, together, as a partnership.”
“I’ve messed up badly and wasted time without you, haven’t I?”
“Show me, Zain.”
She dropped her hands from him, and he felt the warmth of her slide away until she grabbed his hand. She was allowing him to lead her. She looked over to the woodland. The sounds of the party grew louder in the house. She wasn’t going to risk him being seen.?He pushed off, and they headed toward the trees. It was dark, but he could see perfectly. He knew Isobel would be blind to the pitfalls that could cause her to lose her footing. He led her deeper into the wood to an area where he knew there was a small clearing.
“Wait here. I need to check first,” he whispered into her ear and walked away. This was a test; he had to do it. He stopped where she couldn’t see him, but he could still sense her. She was nervous, and he smelled the fear coming from her. It probably scared him more than the panic she was experiencing. He lowered his jeans and pants to the floor and kicked his shoes off. His t-shirt came over his head and left him naked. He didn’t have a change of clothes close by and needed to be careful not to ruin them. Getting back to the Glacial Park would be difficult without them, and he didn’t fancy calling Kas to bail him out for streaking.
He shut his eyes and allowed the change to take over his body. His legs shortened, and he fell down on all fours. His hands and feet shifted to paws, and long talon claws grew in place of nails. Thick black fur sprouted from his skin, and his mouth developed into a muzzle full of teeth sharp enough to rip flesh. He shook his head and stamped his paws. It was his way of cementing his place in his bear body. The shifter within him rejoiced at being free. A rabbit scattered from beneath a bush, and he felt the overwhelming urge to give chase, but he knew he had more important prey to reel in. The savage animal in him rejoiced at this. He padded, as lightly as a three-hundred-pound bear could, through the trees back to the clearing.
He stepped out of the shadows, and Isobel gasped. He could sense the fear coming from her. He could see her hands shaking as he walked nearer to her. She was terrified. He stopped. He couldn’t do this to her. He lowered his head to the right and started to turn to leave.
“No!” she shouted. “Don’t go.”
He looked up at her. His dark brown eyes focusing on the anxiety in her wide ones. He wished he could talk to her and reassure her he wasn’t going to hurt her. Only fellow shifters could communicate via the telepathic link that they shared. He wondered if Jessica, a witch in his pack, knew of any spells that she’d be able to cast, which would allow Isobel to hear him and speak to him. He’d ask her when he got back. Damn it, he was getting ahead of himself. At the moment, the woman in front of him was terrified of him. This was likely to be the last time he saw her, ever.
He took another couple of steps toward her. She swallowed deeply when he stood in front of her.
“Zain?” she whispered, and he nodded his head slowly because he didn’t want to scare her even more.
“It’s so different. You look nothing like a human. How is it possible? I’ve numerous questions? Can you talk?”
He shook his head this time.
“Ok.” She was controlling every breath she made. “I want to touch you, may I?”
He lifted his left paw up for her to take. She reached out tentatively and stroked it; electricity flooded through his body at her tender ministration.
“Furry, “she giggled.
He wanted to laugh as well but was scared to open his mouth in case any noise he made would worry her. As a black bear, he wasn’t as big as the grizzly bear shifters, or even Kas, the polar bear, but he was still pretty massive in comparison to an average human male. Isobel was slight; he’d always thought of her as a delicate flower.
She slowly lowered to her knees, all signs of fear fading away. He brought his head down to be level with hers. She reached out and stroked up his muzzle and around his ear.
“You’re beautiful. My bear.”
He brought his head closer and rubbed his nose against her cheek. She kissed him. They both froze.
“I love you, no matter what,” she whispered.
He shifted back to a human.
“I love you,” he repeated and brought his mouth down to meet hers. He pushed her gently back against a mossy bank. “I need you.” He lowered his kiss from her perfect lips, over her jawline, and down her neck to the swell of her breasts covered by her t-shirt. “Please.” His voice was full of urgent need.
“Forever yours.” Isobel showed him that she was ready for him when she brought her hand to his cock and stroked up and down his length. He loved this benefit to shifting back, which had left him naked. It was a lot better than being arrested for streaking. She let go and pulled away from him. In no time at all, her t-shirt was whipped over her head, dropped to the earth, and her bra swiftly followed suit. He placed his hand over the zipper of her jeans before she could remove them.
“Mine to do,” he growled. This time, not afraid to allow the animal in him to speak. He lowered her jeans and panties in one quick movement.
There was something freeing about them reconnecting for the first time in the wild. The cold ground heightened the sensitivity of their skins, and yes, leaves would probably get stuck where they didn’t want them, but it was natural. It was his home.
He sat back and pulled Isobel onto his lap. He sniffed the air; she was fully aroused. Her scent filled his nostrils, and when he placed his erection at her entrance, she was soaked and ready for him. Their eyes met, and he lowered her onto his length. They stilled. She was as tight as he remembered…no, she was tighter. His dreams had done her no justice. She groaned in pained pleasure.
“Are you ok?”
“Been a long time.”