Page 23 of Shattered Fears
“I think I’m going to take Isobel on a tour of the house before you lot spill all my secrets.” Zain pushed through the crowd surrounding her and snaked his arm around her waist to pull her to his side. “You lot are insatiable.”
“We’re just shocked you have a girlfriend.” Emma pouted at him.
“No, you’re all nosey. I’ll bring her back down later.”
“Going to show her your honey collection?” Scott called from the sofa.
“Fuck you.” Zain held his middle finger up to his friend, and the lion burst out laughing.
“I’ll go make us all dinner.” Tyler stood up tall with excitement. “I’m thinking venison. Who’s up for catching it?”
Nearly all the hands in the room went up and waved in anticipation. Isobel suddenly felt guilty.
“Um.” Her voice sounded quiet. “I’m a vegetarian.”
“Yes!” the witch, Jessica, screamed while everyone else groaned. “I finally have someone who understands.”
“Vegetarian,” Zain exclaimed in utter devastation and shock. “When?”
“When I was at university. I joined this group, and we tried to save the earth. I’ve always liked vegetables, though. I’ve never been much of a meat fan.”
“You’ve just gone down in my estimation.” Tyler frowned at her.
“I’m sorry,” she gulped. She really wanted them to like her, and she hadn’t thought about the fact that they’d all be meat eaters. Well all except the witch, and she wasn’t a wild animal. “I could try it.”
Tyler laughed. “I’m joking, sorry. I wouldn’t expect you to try anything you don’t believe in eating. In fact, I’m happy. I like to experiment with food, so I’ve got another person to use as a guinea pig. Is it just meat? Do you eat dairy? fish?”
“I eat dairy, no fish.”
“No fish.” Zain looked pale next to her. “Salmon?”
She shook her head at him.
“No salmon?” he repeated.
“I think I’m going to pass out.”
Everyone in the room burst into laughter and started joking. She’d been so nervous coming here, but they’d welcomed her with great enthusiasm. As the hilarity continued, Zain took her hand and pulled her from the room.
“Are you ok?” he asked.
“Are you?” she returned the question. “I mean I’ve not upset you by being a vegetarian?”
“Not at all.” He laughed. “More meat for me. You stick to the crazy vegetable things if you want to.”
“Um...” she hesitated. “When Tyler asked who wanted to catch dinner, did he honestly mean catch?”
“Yes, we live off the land. We don’t buy meat; we use what’s available, but we do it responsibly. No over hunting. We allow animals to grow to maturity before we feed on them.”
“I have to ask. I think I know the answer, but I just want to check.”
“Go ahead.” He knotted his eyebrows together.
“Do you eat humans?”