Page 3 of Shattered Fears
She laughed and wrapped her hand around his.
“I love it.”
“Sit”—he did an elaborate bow— “and allow me to serve you, Mademoiselle.”
They both laughed freely while she took a seat on the plaid blanket laid out on the grass and tucked her legs underneath her. Zain opened the picnic basket. He pulled out a bottle of water and two champagne glasses.
“Sorry, it’s not the real stuff. Mum wouldn’t let me bring that.”
“That’s ok, water is good enough for me.”
“It’s good isn’t it?” Zain nodded at her while he poured. “This is the finest vintage from Casa Thornton. It’s been aged in this bottle since…” He looked at the side of the plastic container. “Well, since about ten a.m. this morning.”
“You can be such a dork at times.”
“It’s what I aim for.”
“What have we got to eat?” Zain handed her a glass of water, and she took a sip.
“Do you even need to ask me that?” His brows furrowed in the center, and she let out a long laugh.
“Honey sandwiches.” She placed the glass down and clapped her hands together, excitedly. Honey was all that Zain ate, and it had become a favorite of hers as well.
“Of course, only the finest delicacy for you, Mademoiselle.”
Zain handed her one, and she took a big bite out of it.
“Hmm,” she hummed. “Delicious.”
Zain virtually inhaled his sandwich and then another two.
“Piggy,” she teased.
“What? I’m a growing boy.”
“I think you stopped being a boy a long time ago.” She licked her lips, watching the man in front of her. They’d known each other since birth. Their mothers had met at one of those antenatal classes that parents sometimes attend when they are pregnant, and they had formed a lasting friendship. Her father wasn’t around much, in the early days. Her mother’s pregnancy hadn’t been planned, and he was just starting out on his journey to the senate. It took him away from home, a lot of the time. Zain’s father wasn’t around much either. He worked up in Glacial National Park as a ranger or something like that. Both the lonely mothers had bonded, and she and Zain had spent an inordinate amount of time together. It was written in the stars, some would say, for them to develop a friendship that would evolve into something more. They’d started dating on her sixteenth birthday. Zain had wanted them to wait until they were certain that a relationship was what they both wanted. She’d known from when she was about four, though, when Zain had come to her rescue after she’d fallen off her bike, and he’d kissed her ‘ouchie’ better. He was her knight in shining armor, and she had always loved him.
“I don’t think you’re a little girl anymore either.” Zain shuffled closer to her and enveloped her in an embrace. He brought his lips down to hers, and they shared a kiss, which left her toes curling with pent-up frustration. Two years ago, they started a relationship, and she was still a virgin. She’d hinted to him on more than one occasion that she wanted to take their relationship further, but he’d said it wasn’t the right time. Why? Did he not find her attractive? If that were the case, why did his cock get hard around her? She’d felt it digging into her thigh on more than one occasion, during a heavy make out session.
“Zain, I want to go further in our relationship. I know I’m ready.”
She intended to tell him exactly what she needed, which was her boyfriend inside her, but he pulled back from her.
“It’s too soon.”
“It’s been two years.”
“You’re not ready.”
She was sick of this argument and wasn’t going to have it again.
“Are you sure it’s me who isn’t ready, or is it you?”
“Isobel, if I had my way, I’d have you flat on your back with your jeans and panties around your ankles, and my dick buried deep inside you. You wouldn’t know where I begin and you end. But no, you’re not ready. There are things you don’t know.”
“Then, tell me.”
“It’s not that simple.”
“Yes, it is.” She got to her feet and looked down at him. “You say you love me and want me; then have me. I’m standing here, offering you the greatest gift that a person can give to someone she loves. If you’re keeping things from me, then maybe you aren’t the man I thought you were, and I’m making a big mistake.” She was done with this argument. Enough was enough.
“Izzy,” Zain’s voice sounded desperate as it pierced through the anger clouding her mind. But it was too late; she wasn’t going to listen to him, not at the moment anyway. She needed to calm down, and the only way to do that was to let her legs carry her away from her pleading boyfriend.