Page 45 of Shattered Fears
“We’ll vote on it,” Ethern announced. “A show of hands for Mr. Lincoln and his pack members to remain.”
Kas looked around. Well over half of the hands rose. He’d always been well respected in the Council. It was the minority causing the problems for him.
“Mr. Lincoln, would you and your pack care to take a seat?” Ethern smiled.
“Thank you.” They all found empty seats and pulled them around into a circle in the center of the room. If they were going to stay, they were going to make sure they did it as the focus of attention.
“As I was saying,” Ethern continued, “The Glacial Blood main pack members will be housed here until it’s safe for them to return home. Should any other members of the pack from their lands wish to seek refuge, they’ll be accommodated also. We’re already in the process of disproving the video of Selene Dillon as a hoax. Several leading news companies have released edited footage showing it as fake news, and the worry over shifters is subsiding already. The main issue we now have is the task force, which Miss Isobel Ross provided us with information on. We believe these are the people holding Zain Thornton and Kingsley Ross hostage. Mr. Ross is an associate of the Glacial Blood pack; he has become involved in this matter through his friendship with them and because his father, Senator Ross, is the head of the task force. I think our first priority should be to recover Mr. Thornton and Mr. Ross. The longer they’re with the task force, the more risk there is of information being discovered about shifters that we can’t suppress as fake news.”
Kas was impressed with the way Ethern handled the assembled councilmen. He’d always been a natural speaker, since the first time the polar bear had met him. Here, in this room, he appeared to be in his element.
“I disagree.” Samuel stood again. From behind him, Kas heard Teagan mutter ‘asshole’. He turned and silenced her with a wink. Samuel and Teagan didn’t get along. They were both on the task force to explore prejudice between the packs, and Samuel constantly undermined the tenacious wild dog. “I think to go after Mr. Thornton would be suicide for those involved. We know nothing about this task force apart from what has been revealed to us by Miss Ross. A woman who just happens to be the daughter of the leader of the squad. Is she leading us into a trap. We know nothing of this Kingsley Ross either and have seen no evidence he’s being held against his will. For all we know, he could be involved. It’s too big a risk for us, as the Council, to extend for just one person. I suspect this task force is after more shifters to prove to the world they exist. As much as I hate to say it, I think we need to let events play out on this one. Zain Thornton is not bigger than the entire shifter world. His fate must now lie in the hands of those who have him. Who agrees with me?”
“You can’t be serious?” Ethern’s words were spoken with the same fury, which threatened to explode from Kas’ own mouth.
“Wait, Ethern.” Another member of the Council stood. “I’m afraid I’m inclined to agree with Samuel. We know nothing of this, and I fear Miss Ross is sending us into a trap.”
“Miss Ross is the girlfriend of Zain Thornton. She wants him rescued as much as I do. She doesn’t, in any way, condone what her father’s doing.” Ethern added to his argument. Kas looked around the room. He could see the way this fight was going to go just by the looks on the faces of those on the board. The majority had families, so it wasn’t just Zain at risk. It was those they cared most deeply about. They were making a decision that affected not only Glacial Blood but the future of the shifters on planet Earth. Jessica tutted behind him. She knew what the outcome was going to be as well.
“Zain Thornton and Isobel Ross had been estranged until recently. Mr. Thornton walked out on her after taking her virginity, it would seem, and she didn’t see him for five years. I’m not sure about the rest of you, but this sounds like the perfect case of a woman scorned to me. I wouldn’t believe a word that comes out of Isobel Ross’s mouth. In fact, I think we should have her imprisoned in the dungeons at once. She’s a danger, and the Glacial Blood have brought her into our sanctuary.” Samuel continued his diatribe, which was designed to inflict as much damage as possible in the minds of those still uncertain on how to proceed.
“I agree.”
“And I.” More and more voices condemned Isobel without even allowing her the opportunity to tell her and Zain’s story. She was being sentenced without judge and jury.
“Send someone to transfer Miss Ross to the new dungeon.” Ethern reluctantly ordered. Kas’ eyes flicked to Jessica, and without even needing to be asked, the witch withdrew into her mind. Her body remained still, and it looked, for all intents and purposes, like she was in the room. In reality, she was transporting Isobel to somewhere safe where they’d meet her as soon as they could. Zain trusted Isobel with his life, which was proof enough for Kas to believe that he needed to protect her as well.
“May I speak?” He stood.
“If you’re going to defend Miss Ross, then you can form a case when we bring her to trial.” Samuel glared at him.
“I’m not here to talk about Miss Ross. I’m listening to you saying you won’t send someone to rescue a member of my pack. I know the Council has its own squadron for just this very thing, but I’m not going to ask you to use them. Zain Thornton is a member of my pack therefore I will rescue him along with those who choose to assist me of their own free will.”
“Not possible. We’ve said nobody is to go, and that means you also,” Samuel ordered, but Kas wasn’t about to listen.
“You can order me all you wish, but this is my pack and my rules. One of my own is in danger. I’ve just had a call from Senator Ross in which I watched a doctor cut flesh from Zain for testing. A large chunk of it that left him in extreme pain. He’s strapped to a bed with a cannula in his arm, electrodes stuck to his chest, and his body prepared for experimentation. I won’t allow this.” Kas stood, and the scraping of chairs echoed behind him as his pack formed a powerful union with him.
“Sit down, Mr. Lincoln,” Samuel warned. “You’re showing too much of your grandfather’s willful spirit, and it got him killed.”
“Samuel. This is not the time or place,” Ethern berated the human councilman.
“No, it’s exactly the right time and place. We’re here because of his pack. There’s already been one attempt on Kas’ life as a consequence of him flaunting our rules, and we all know what happened there, or have you forgotten Heath Dillon already?” Kas froze. He could feel the heat of temper rising from Brayden who, as his beta, always stood at his side.
“Nobody knows what happened to my father. If you speak of him again, then a shifter will be known for killing a human because I’ll have your blood all over my hands,” Brayden growled.
“Nobody knows, really? Is that what your alpha tells you?” Samuel teased. Brayden took a step forward, but Kas put his hand out in front of him to stop him from going any farther.
“Enough,” Ethern shouted. “Heath Dillon’s death is a mystery, and all of the historical documents say that. Nobody, but the culprit and Heath himself, knows what happened that day. Dragging it up here is not the time or the place. You’re looking to further your own malevolent needs, Samuel, when we should be focusing on the fact one of us is being held and tortured.”
Brayden turned and looked at Kas. The polar bear kept his face stoic. It was a long practiced expression. He’d promised Jane the young snow-leopard would never find out about that day, and he wouldn’t break his vow now.
“What does he mean?” Brayden asked.
“It means he’s confirmed something I’ve suspected for a long while: Samuel is a confidant of my brother. He’s been spun lies to weave him into my brother’s web. Your father’s death is a mystery, which I’ve searched endlessly to solve but have resolved nothing,” he whispered while Ethern and Samuel continued to trade insults at each other.
“You promise me?”
Brayden held his hand out. Kas took it without any hesitation. He was destined for hell anyway; one more lie wouldn’t damage his cause.