Page 57 of Shattered Fears
Senator Ross surveyed the remainder of his burned buildings. He had nothing left. His entire life’s work destroyed by those wild animals. They’d pay for turning his daughter against him. He already had plans in place. When they least expected it, he’d come for them and destroy them. He’d rid the earth of their disgusting kind. Man, woman, child, he didn’t care. They were all going to suffer. He’d make Isobel watch the death of every last one. She could never be saved now, for her mind was too warped. His baby girl, the only person who’d ever faithfully obeyed him. God knows his wife was worse than useless. Isobel was the type of woman he should’ve married, mild and subservient to his needs. Shame for him she’d been his daughter and that his wife was incapable.
He picked up a stick and prodded at the remains of his computer. Nothing, he had nothing. He could remember bits and pieces and had been writing them down, but nobody took him seriously anymore. He’d lost his position, and the senate seat would follow shortly, so he’d been told. It was time for him to retire and leave the business of national security to those who hadn’t failed. He’d had them in his hands. He could have found the key to ending them, but he’d lost them. Damn that fucking bear. Zain would pay when he next saw him. He wouldn’t take it easy on him this time. He’d lock him away like the animal he was and carry out every test he possibly could on him. He’d get the press involved. The government couldn’t deny his findings if he had it all documented. That would be what he’d do. He felt happier knowing he had a plan and a purpose. It would cost money; his wife wouldn’t like that. She’d have to cut back on the beauty treatments and male escorts she paid for, but then, did he give a fuck? No!
Nobody understood what was at stake but him. He’d rescue the world from these animals. He threw the stick into the still smoldering pile and trudged back to his car. He opened the door and tried to get in, but something prevented him from doing so. He tried again but nothing.
“What the fuck?” He scowled.
“Magic, Mr. Ross.” The deep timbre had him turn around quickly and draw his gun.
“Pathetic humans always pointing guns at the problem. Don’t you know magic is stronger than that.” The gun flew out of his hand, and a shadowy figure stepped out of the darkness. He recognized it as the polar bear shifter, wait, hadn’t he encountered two of them. The one at his home, and the one in the laboratory. They’d had different names.
“Nuka or Kas?” he asked.
“Unfortunately for you, Nuka.”
“Possibly not. I think we have a common goal now. I believe you want to destroy Kas’ pack. After taking all this”—he pointed to his ruined building— “and my daughter, I want them destroyed, too.”
“That could be a plan, but alas, I’m not sure I can trust you after everything. You hate my kind, and I’m not overly fond of yours. We’d forever be looking over our shoulders, waiting for the other to stab us in the back.” The ‘thing’ in front of him ran a finger up and down its corded neck while it spoke. He couldn’t fail to notice the sharp black claws at the end of its fingers as opposed to nails.
“I’m willing to overlook that difference. We work together until we get rid of your brother’s pack, and then each to their own. What do you say?”
“You do realize the majority of people compare me to the devil. Are you certain you want to do a deal with me?”
The thing stepped closer to him, and he held his hands up as a sign of surrender.
“Better the devil you know than the one you don’t, and I think you and I are similar. We both want power. Am I wrong? Or am I right?”
“You have a point, I guess. For now, you’ll do to help me get rid of my brother and his pack. In the future, though, I want it known that as far as I’m concerned, all humans should be slaughtered.”
“And I think your type are savage beasts who need their teeth and claws pulled at birth. That is if, and that’s a big if, you’re allowed to live.” He stepped closer to whatever it was in front of him and held out his hand. The thing took it and shook it.
“I’m glad we have it sorted.” It glanced up into the air, and he looked around but couldn’t see anything. “Ciaran?” the animal called, and he felt his body start to tingle.
“What’s happening?” His eyes opened wide, and he tried to cling hold of something solid as he felt his body floating away.
“You want to get rid of my brother’s pack then I’d better let you in on my plan. Hold tight, it’s a bumpy ride.”
Mr. Ross shut his eyes against the overwhelming sickness washing over him. His mind felt like it was spinning, his body flying, and then nothing. Stillness and a sense of calm. He shivered. It had turned icy, and droplets of rain fell onto his face. He opened his eyes and looked around. He wasn’t at the burned out laboratory any more.
“Where are we?” he asked the creature standing next to him.
“Ireland, the Giant’s Causeway to be precise.”
Mr. Ross looked out across the plethora of basalt columns, which decorated the land into the sea. Waves crashed over them and a breeze whistled around his ears. He huddled into himself to keep warm.
“How?” he asked and looked around.
“Magic, Mr. Ross. It’s a special gift.” A man appeared from behind a group of higher laid rocks. He recognized him as the other man who’d visited his house.
“You’re like her. The woman who travels with his brother.” He pointed at the thing next to him.
“I’m a powerful druid if that’s what you’re saying. Jessica Raven is a witch and a poor imitation of one at that. My abilities far outstrip hers.”
Another man appeared, but he didn’t recognize this one.
“Who are you?” he questioned.