Page 1 of A Father's Insistence
Chapter One
“She looks just like you.” I bring my newborn niece up into my arms and gently rock her while she coos quietly. “Thank you for allowing me to come and see her.” Looking out of the corner of my eye, I can see Nicholas and William standing sentinel: one at the door to the lounge, and the other by the patio doors to the garden. These are the only exits to the newly rebuilt and decorated room I am currently sitting in, and they are being covered in case I should decide to make a run for it with baby Rose. Tamara sits opposite in a smart suit with her hand resting over the small swell to her stomach. I guess she’s here in case of any potential litigation. Judging by the size of her, she can only be a few months pregnant, but when we entered the room, William was already playing the protective soon-to-be father. I’m not here to cause trouble, though. I just want to check on my sister and my niece, but that doesn’t stop me from looking down my nose at Nicholas Cavendish for being my niece’s father. He’s not the man I would have chosen for my sister.
“I don’t know,” Victoria muses and strokes her daughter’s head. “I think there’s a lot of Nicholas in her. I’ve seen a couple of pictures of him when he was a baby, and they look so similar. You’ll have to bring over a picture of me next time.”
“You could come to our house?”
Victoria looks over to Nicholas, and I see him shake his head.
“I’m sorry. It’s better that you come here.”
The fury I carry around with me starts to burn a fire in my veins. Nicholas Cavendish is obviously controlling my sister. I want to see her free and happy away from him without the act she’s putting on in front of me. It sickens me he’s abusing his position of power to do god knows what to my sister. My father told me about the society and why he feels the need to change it. He told me of how the previous Duke was trying to steer it away from the abuses that were being inflicted upon women, but Nicholas and William killed their father, so they could take over. He told me he’d had no choice but to give my sister to Nicholas, because Nicholas would have ruined us all and taken Victoria and killed her, otherwise. I don’t want to believe it’s true, and I have to be honest with myself and say that Victoria seems happy, but I saw the sadness behind my father’s eyes. He was a broken man the day he told me everything. He’d given his daughter away to a life of torture—it was enough to destroy any father. Something inside me snaps at Nicholas’ refusal to allow Victoria to visit her childhood home, and before I can think about what I’m saying, my mouth opens in an uncontrollable outburst.
“And why can’t she visit her childhood home? Are you scared that by being out of your presence for a few minutes she might actually see sense and report you to the police for your crimes against women?”
The room goes silent. Even little Rose seems to sense the tension and stops her cute baby noises. Nicholas breaks the impasse by pushing his tongue against his teeth and inhaling. The resulting hissing noise echoes in the large room.
“Theo please?” Victoria pleads and tries to take her daughter back from me.
“I should walk out of here now with Rose before you have a chance to sell her to the highest bidder.”
Nicholas still doesn’t say anything, but the edges of his face are flaming red, and I know he’s trying to control his temper. William, who’s standing by the door, swipes at his ear and then his head. His mouth is moving, and if I’m not mistaken, I’m sure he’s reciting mathematical equations. I’ll never understand these two brothers. They are both insane.
I want to test Nicholas’ limits. Maybe I can walk out of here with my sister and her daughter? Pushing to my feet from where I’ve been sitting, I cradle Rose tighter to my chest, and she whimpers a little.
“Th-Theo...” Victoria stammers quietly.
“William, Tamara,” Nicholas finally speaks. “I thought you had a doctor’s appointment at twelve thirty. You don’t want to be late. Hearing the heartbeat of your baby for the first time is a wonderful experience.”
William pushes away from where he was casually lounging against the frame of the patio doors, and going over to Tamara, he assists her to her feet. Nobody says anything. I hold Rose tightly, waiting and watching to see what will happen next.
“It was good to see you again, Theodore.” William bows his head at me and leads Tamara out of the room. She looks over her shoulder and takes a last sorrowful look toward me before leaving with her husband. We’ve never addressed the vicious lies she spouted at me the last time we met when she told me she was my half-sister, and that my father had raped her mother. It’s something I can never forgive her for, but I don’t doubt it’s the Cavendish brother’s influence that instigated them.
Nicholas strides over to Victoria and kisses her on the cheek.
“I need to make a phone-call to Prince John. I’ll leave you and your brother to talk. You don’t need me here.” She reaches up to him with her hand, which he takes and gently squeezes before placing a kiss on it and letting go. He comes closer to me, and my hands involuntarily tighten on Rose. His eyes are focused squarely on his daughter, and I know he’s going to take her with him, but he surprises me when he bends down and kisses her on the head.
“Enjoy you time with your uncle, my little button. Daddy will be back later.” Rose replies to him with baby babble as if she understands him, which she doesn’t, of course, since she’s only a few weeks old and probably can’t even see him properly yet. Then Nicholas turns his attention back to me.
“I’m sorry your views of me are tainted. I can assure you I have nothing but respect and love for my wife and daughter although I know you don’t believe it. I need to protect my family, however. It’s the only reason I won’t allow them to visit you at your home. You’re always welcome here though. Victoria will always be your sister and Rose your niece. My brother and I will not stop you from seeing them. I shouldn’t have been here today…it was wrong, and I’m sorry. Please, stay as long as you want.” Nicholas then bows his head to me, which is something he doesn’t have to do since he’s a Duke, and I’m only the son of a Viscount. I have no title, yet, and should defer to him. I can’t though. Despite his words, I know this is all merely a part of whatever game it is he’s playing, so I don’t show him the same respect back. He sighs heavily and leaves the room.
“Why do you have to be this way?” Victoria immediately chastises me. “Why can’t you accept he’s a good man?”
“Because I know differently,” I reply and hand Rose back to her when my niece starts to fuss.
“You only know what our father has told you.”
“Then you tell me the truth. Tell me what is really happening here,” I demand as Victoria settles Rose against her breast to feed her while stroking her daughter’s head underneath a strategically placed blanket.
“Are you even willing to listen to the truth?” Victoria questions.
“I just want to know you’re safe, and while you’re here, I don’t think that is the case.” I let out a long-frustrated sigh. “Tell me honestly, sister, two things: Do you have the society’s crest burned into your thigh? And has Nicholas led you around naked in front of other members of the society?”
“That’s what he told you?” Victoria’s eyes fill with unshed tears.
“Our father? Yes, he told me how you were paraded like a dog and had your skin permanently branded. Did Nicholas do that? Did he hurt you in that way?”