Page 1 of The Power of a Myth
No matter how often he stared at the bones, Hayden couldn’t bring himself to touch them again. Once was enough. They’d changed his whole life, leaving him alone and not completely stable. A flash of what hid inside him flitted over his eyes, lizard like in appearance. He subdued the beast once again. Now was not the time. He had to wait.
He looked up from the bones as Ethern appeared in the high ceiling cave. Hayden kept it dark, but Ethern swiped his hands through the air and lit magical lights on the walls. Hayden blinked at the sudden onslaught of brightness to his eyes. It was then he noticed the other person in the cave. She looked familiar. It was the witch from the Glacial Blood pack, but her raven black hair was now pure white. She’d taken the magic of the good inside her.
Hayden’s hands shook with nerves. His time was getting nearer. It wouldn’t be long now. The animal within him was restless and desperate to escape.
“How are you?” Ethern asked.
Hayden sensed a difference in his friend.
“What’s happened?” Hayden ignored Ethern’s question and replaced it with one of his own. “You’re not a multi-shifter any longer?”
“How can you tell?” Ethern frowned.
“Well, apart from your sudden preference for black clothing, only you know the location of the cave. Even if you told Jessica, she wouldn’t be able to teleport here. You brought her, but you didn’t turn green with brown markings to do it. Your magic is different.”
“Clever.” Ethern perched on a rock near Hayden while Jessica stood by Ethern’s side. “I died. We stopped Ciaran, but I lost my life. The afterlife held up their end of the bargain, though, so I’m doing the same. I’m a reaper now.”
“Interesting. It’s started then.” Hayden nodded his head toward Jessica.
“It’s more than started. We’re near the end. It’s do or die for a lot of people. Jessica is going to take over the responsibility of looking after you and the bones. It will be Selene’s time soon.”
“Selene’s time?” Jessica interrupted. “What’s going on, Ethern?”
“Sorry.” Ethern got to his feet. “Jessica, this is Hayden Eckert. He’s another multi-shifter.”
Jessica put her hand out for Hayden to shake it, but he pushed himself back into the shadows. There was no way he was touching her or anyone else anytime soon. It was too dangerous, especially with the magic she held within her body.
“Er...” Jessica withdrew her hand. “Pleased to meet you.”
“Same,” Hayden grunted. “Does she know?”he questioned.
“No, not yet,” Ethern replied, and Jessica looked at him crossly.
“What is going on? I don’t like secrets, Ethern. You know that.”
“I’m sorry.” Ethern brought the witch into his arms. “You know a multi-shifter can change into any animal or magical being they’ve touched before?”
“Yes,” she replied, looking between the two men.
“Well, these”—Ethern gestured to the bones on the floor—“are dragon bones.”
“Dragon?” Jessica questioned, disbelieving. “They’re mythical creatures. They’re not real.”
“They’re real all right,” Hayden spoke up.
“Could you?” Jessica lowered her head and voice to Ethern. “Could you change into a dragon?”
Ethern shook his head. “No. A dragon is a powerful creature. Only one multi-shifter has done so and survived.”
Jessica instantly turned her head to look at Hayden.
“Your eyes, Hayden. When we arrived, they turned to those of a lizard for a brief moment.”
He nodded. “But not a lizard’s, a dragon’s eyes.”
Hayden got up from where he was sitting and walked to the largest part of the cave. Ethern pulled Jessica to him and held her closely as Hayden started to change into a magnificent beast. Fifteen foot high with a wingspan of the same proportion. Scales of glorious turquoise and dark teal covered his body, and horns ran along his back, increasing in size from his tail to his head. When he looked down, Jessica’s eyes were wide open.