Page 56 of Iron Will
“Don’t worry,” I reassure her. “Paisley and Bethany are under the club’s protection now.” I grab my beer and stand. “Look, I’m gonna go outside and make sure Gage and Dante don’t burn the meat. Those fuckers don’t know shit about grilling. Will you be okay here for a few minutes?”
“Sure.” She gives me an easy smile. “I’ll go talk to Bethany and Bailey. I wanted to ask Bethany some things anyway.”
“Okay,” I nod. I pull her in for a kiss that leaves her a little breathless and flushed when I’m done with her. “You make yourself at home. Anyone gives you any trouble, you tell them you’re with me. I’ll be back in a little bit.”
“Paisley looks more relaxed than I’ve ever seen her,” I say to Bethany.
I watch Rourke’s back as he limps away from me, shaking my head. How is that man even standing after getting shot? Much less acting like nothing even happened. I know he said it was just a flesh wound, but still.
What have I gotten myself into with him?
Bethany lets out a happy sigh. “I know,” she agrees. “It’s so nice to see her just happy and carefree for a change. Addi is being so nice to her!”
“Addi really likes Paisley,” Addi’s mother, Bailey, says. She’s about my height and slightly thinner than I am. Feature-wise, we could almost be sisters. Her dark hair is a shade lighter than mine, her face a little softer. “She took to her right away. I think those two are going to be thick as thieves.”
“I guess I never really realized it before,” Bethany murmurs. “But I don’t think Paisley has very many friends at school.” She shakes her head. “And, well, with our situation… It’s not like she gets to have a lot of play dates.”
Bailey gives her a kind look. “I’m a teacher at Ironwood Elementary. Addi’s a year ahead of Paisley. I get the impression from listening to Paisley that she’s had some trouble being bullied?”
Bethany nods.
“Well, Addi’s a good friend. Very loyal. She’ll watch out for her. I can check and see if they have the same recess. That would be great, for both of them.”
“Your daughter seems like such a sweet little girl,” I tell Bailey.
“Thank you,” she smiles. “I think so.” She nods toward the front door. “And she adores Gage.”
“Is he her daddy?”
“No. Addi’s father and I are divorced.” She lowers her voice a notch. “Frankly, Garrett never had much interest in being a father. So it’s great for Addi that Gage is so good with her.”
We watch in silence on the couch as Paisley and Addi concentrate on their board game. Their young faces are so serious as they play, it’s incredibly sweet. I find myself swallowing around a sudden lump in my throat. It’s true what I said to Bethany: I’ve never seen Paisley so relaxed. Her little forehead is free from creases, smooth and untroubled.
Bethany starts to speak, almost as though to herself. “I… I just haven’t been able to provide much for her lately, you know? It seems like it takes everything I have in me, just to keep us above water. And now, with these hospital bills…”
Bethany’s voice wobbles a little, as though she’s trying not to cry. I turn to look at her, and see the worry in her face. Reaching out, I put a hand on top of hers. It’s cold.
“Bethany,” I say quietly. ““I know you’ve been going through a rough spot. I know you’re worried about money. But I have been able to find you some resources. We can talk about that tomorrow, if you’d like. Can you stop by the hospital sometime? I’ll clear my calendar for whenever you’re free.”
She blinks back tears and nods. “Yes. I can. I’m going to take Paisley back to school tomorrow afternoon. I thought I should start her out on half-days for a day or two, just to make sure she’s up for it. I can come by the hospital after I drop her off.”
“Good,” I say, patting her hand. “So, are you going back to the motel tonight?”
“No-o-o…” Bethany trails off, and her face starts to pink. “We’re staying here for the night. Yoda said he’d give us his apartment to stay in.”
“His apartment?” I frown.
Bethany points down a long corridor. “This place is bigger than it looks. There’s a whole other area back there, with a bunch of separate apartments that the men use.”
“So, uh, Bethany,” Bailey pipes in, a mischievous look on her pretty face. “Whatisgoing on with you and Yoda, anyway?”
The pink of Bethany’s cheeks turns brighter. “Nothing. At least, not exactly. He’s just being nice to me. I mean, he wants something more. And honestly, I think I do, too. But he’s giving me space right now.”
“So, does that mean things are finished between you and Mickey?” I ask.