Page 6 of Iron Will
Like maybe he can tell I’m trying not to notice how handsome he is. How sexy and raw.
Maybe he can tell I’m trying not to think about what a man like him would be like in bed.
What it would be like to let him take control. Whether he’d be rough.
Whether I’d like it.
Involuntarily, a small sound escapes my throat.
The biker hears it.
The corner of his mouth quirks up a little more.
Oh my God.I feel the heat rush to my cheeks. I am rapidly losing what little control I have of this situation.
“It’s inappropriate for an unknown adult male to be in this room,” I tell him in a strangled tone.
He pauses a beat, considering me. The expression on his face gives me the distinct impression he’s disappointed in me.
“What’s inappropriate is for the kid to be alone in this room without protection,” he says flatly. “Look, Paisley’s mom’s not here yet. And I’m stickin’ around until she does get here. Period.”
“I can’t leave her in here alone with a stranger,” I insist. “It’s this hospital’s job to make sure she’s safe and not in any danger.”
“Lady, if that’s the case, this hospital is doin’ a piss poor job of it.” Irritated, he glances over at the girl before continuing. “Look, let’s take this out in the hall. Paisley, you good here?”
To my surprise, the girl immediately nods, looking at him trustingly. Before I can make sense of it all, I find myself following him out into the hallway.
I’m giving this man way more power in this conversation than I intended to.Dammit.
“Who are you, anyway?” he demands as soon as we’re out of the room, nodding at my outfit. “Some bureaucrat?”
“I’m a social worker,” I say defensively. “In other words, an employee of this hospital. I think the real question is, who areyou?”
“I’m visiting someone in that room there,” he says, jerking his thumb across the hall. “I heard a commotion over here and came in to find some scumbag yellin’ at a nurse and scaring the kid.”
My brain works to make sense of what he’s saying. The nurse he’s talking about must be Katie, of course. When I got the frantic call from her a few minutes ago, she said a strange man was in the girl’s room and refusing to leave. I just assumedthiswas the man. But now, I’m not so sure.
“You… came over here trying to getanotherman to leave?” I ask stupidly.
“Nottryin’. I got him out of here. Look,” he mutters, glancing at the closed door of Paisley’s room. “I just got rid of the only danger that kid was in. Her mom’s scumbag boyfriend was in there yellin’ about how he was gonna take her out of here and no one could stop him.” He crosses his arms in front of him and cocks his head. “Well, I stopped him.”
“So…” I say in confusion, “youaren’tthe man the nurse called about?”
“Jesus Christ,” he growls, raking a massive hand through his hair. “Are you listening at all? For the last time,no. Though I don’t think that nurse was much of a fan of me either.”
Just then, hurried steps draw both of our attention down the hallway. Katie is striding toward us, followed by a harried-looking woman in heels and a faded denim mini-skirt. She’s a bleached blond, her hair so light it’s almost white, but it’s been a while since she’s had her it treated. Her roots are the same color as the little girl’s hair.
“Where’s my daughter?” the woman cries.
Katie stops in front of us. “Laney, this is Paisley’s mom.” To the woman, she says, “Your daughter is in there,” and points to the door.
“So that’s the scumbag’s girlfriend,” the biker mutters after the mother has hurried into the room. “How the hell do women fall for lowlifes like that?” He looks disgusted.
Katie looks at me and rolls her eyes. The biker catches the look and snorts.
“For fuck’s sake,” he mutters, turning away from both of us. “You’re welcome, by the way.”
Before either Katie or I can react, the biker sticks his head through the doorway to the little girl’s room. “Yo, Paisley! I told you your mom would be here soon!”