Page 59 of Deadly North
“Well, anyway, it’s good to see you again, Red,” Mick says, holding up his newly-beringed left hand. “And hey, Merry Christmas!”
“Merry Christmas to you, too! And Happy New Year.”
I watch Mick as he heads out the door, giving me a final wave through the window. Then I go back to clean up my area. I don’t have any more clients today, and Mack is due to pick me up any time now.
The last thing I do before I leave for the day is the thing I always do: take out my engagement and wedding rings, and slip them on my finger.
I’m just pulling on my coat when my phone buzzes with a text. Even though I don’t need to look to see who it is, I do.
On the screen, there’s a single image:
My lips curve into a smile.
Outside, Mack is waiting in his truck with the engine running. He rolls down the window. “Get a move on, Cupcake!”
I stick out my tongue at him, then yank the door open and slide inside. “It’s not like they’re going to start without us,” I complain.
“They might.” Mack leans over to give me a deep kiss, then puts the truck into gear. “How was work?”
I tell him about Mick and Rosie coming in, explaining the entire story as he drives. “Oh, did you remember to pack Julia’s birthday present?”
“It’s in the back seat with the other presents. No worries.”
Mack, amazingly, has turned out to be the exception to the stereotype of husbands who have to be reminded multiple times of every little domestic chore. He was actually the one to pick out the present for Julia’s second birthday party: a mini racetrack with race cars. Perfect for the budding tomboy that Connor and Kat’s daughter is turning out to be.
When we pull onto their street, we’re greeted by a row of cars and trucks we recognize as belonging to other MC members and friends of the family. Con and Kat’s house is done up in blinking Christmas lights and a blow-up Santa and reindeer set. Christmas is only ten days away, and for the last two years, Julia’s birthday party has become an unofficial pre-Christmas holiday gathering for friends and family. When we get inside, Mack goes into the kitchen to grab a beer for himself. “You want anything? Kat said she was making mulled wine.”
“I’ll go in and grab something in a minute,” I say.
Julia runs up to us, gleefully showing off her red-velvet dress with white trim. She looks like a miniature Mrs. Claus, or maybe an elf. I put Julia’s present with the others under the Christmas tree, to be opened later. As I’m standing up, Kat greets me, then pulls me into a hug and then takes me aside. “Well?” she asks, eyes sparkling.
I nod. “Yep.”
“Oh my gosh!” she whispers. “This is so exciting! When are you going to tell Mack?”
“I’m planning to later tonight.”
“I can’t wait to hear every detail!” Kat gushes. “Oh my gosh, Reenie is going to be so excited! Her first grandchild! Look at her over there — she doesn’t even know yet! This is amazing!”
“Sshhh,” I warn her. “Don’t act so excited. People will wonder what’s up.”
“Sorry. Lips sealed.”
Kat and I wander over to where our husbands are standing with some of their other MC brothers, including Magnus and Norse. Connor gives me a peck on the cheek, before sliding his arm around his wife. Mack pulls me in front of him and wraps his arms around me from behind, resting his chin against the top of my head.
“So, Cree’s crew from Montreal isn’t gonna swing by here after all?” Mack asks Magnus. I assume he means the Royal Bastards Chapter from Montreal, Canada.
“Nope. They’d been planning to come take shelter at our clubhouse overnight on their way down to Rochester, but it sounds like they ran into some trouble on the way.”
“Hope it’s nothin’ serious,” Connor murmurs.
Magnus shrugs. “Cree and his men can hold their own. I’m sure they’re fine. I’d hear about it otherwise.”
Reenie and Choppa come over then, both of them carrying mugs of something. Reenie’s wearing a bejeweled Santa hat, light-up Christmas bulb earrings, and a Rudolph sweater that has a matching light-up nose. She gives me a hug. “How’s my favorite daughter-in-law?” she asks with a twinkle in her eye.
“Never better,” I say, thinking about the news she doesn’t know yet. “How are the two of you?”