Page 4 of Siren's Call
Two guys, burlier ones,started tonguing too, aggressive to the point of banging againstthe wall. Mere feet from me, two neon-haired punkers began toyingwith a girl on the floor. She’d kiss one of them and then slide herhand down the other’s pants, beginning to pump. A guy had ditchedhis pants, his erection stark in the room. A couple of secondslater, a woman wrapped her lips around it and startedsucking.
Despite my ability tobrave the lust waves and not fall on my knees, my chaste stintcombined with the free porn show in front of me wasn’t helpingtemper my libido at all. The fae on stage were drinking in all thissexual chi too.
Their energy increased thelonger they kept this up, swinging with their instruments,shoulders straightening and the air around them pulsing with anoff-hue glow like the flyer. Their music followed the waves ofenergy and the human audience lapped it up. Well, and eachother.
I turned to Viola to seehow my girl was faring, but she’d lost herself in one of thosegorgeous lanky bastards I’d checked out earlier. The guy had liftedher off the ground and was holding her up by her ass. Her legstwined around his thin torso and she leaned up, lips exploring hismouth, his neck, his chest.
This level of voyeurismwas uncomfortable. Being the only one not falling prey tomind-numbing lust and too moral to dive right in knowing thesehumans were being used by fae and the sort, I was going to need ahell of a cold shower afterward.
In essence, while everyone else was gettingsucked off, it just sucked for me.
Viola might kick me forthis later, but her one-night stands should be her choice, notsupernatural compulsion. “Come on, girlie.” I tugged at hershoulder.
The guy’s arm snakedaround me, pulling me tight behind her. His fingers climbed throughmy hair and the motion sent prickles down my neck. God above, Ineeded to get laid. My knees were already weak. Not going to takeadvantage, though, because I’d feel like shit later.
I bit my lip and pulledaway, grabbing Viola by the waist. She turned around and rubbedagainst me, purring like a wildcat. We were best friends and all,but I wasn’t looking to get that close.
“Let’sget out of here.” I snagged her hand. Thankfully, she was prettyopen to anything involving touching. I muscled my way toward thestairs, moving past a girl bent over the bar, the guy thrusting upher ass.Awesome.
The place reeked of sweatand sex, the odors hanging suspended in the humid air. Lightsflashed and the music continued to send everyone wild.
The guitarist was lappingup the attention at this point. He knelt on the platform, pluckingat his Fender while girls swarmed the stage, pawing at him andpanting. The singer’s grin creeped me out and every time the lightglinted his way, those sharp teeth seared through mymind.
If only the audience couldsee the real forms of the circus freaks up there.
The exit couldn’t appearfast enough. Viola had started grinding on my leg and to say it wasawkward cheapened the word. I glanced back in time to catch thoselight-blue eyes dart my way. The bassist caught my escape. Not myproblem that their mind juju didn’t work on me.
All the way up the stairs,Viola kept running her hands along my arms, grabbing my tits, andslipping her arm around my waist.Yeah,not happening. I batted her off at everyattempt, even though she kept getting more and moreaggressive.
We broke past the steps,but no one stood behind the counter. Jamie was somewhere in themess downstairs. Same with the philosophy boys who’d been all highand mighty at their fancy table. Chances were they were sucking andfucking each other right now.
I lugged all hundredpounds of Viola outside. Maybe fresh air would knock some senseinto her. This had turned out to be a distraction, sure, but notthe kind I’d been hoping for. We stepped through the door—well,Viola half-stumbled—and a chilly breeze hit me. After all thehumidity in the basement, I gulped it down.
I sagged against the wallas Viola got a little less handsy and a little more confused. Shepatted herself down, smoothing her skirts and straightening piecesof her hair in an OCD routine as she regained hersenses.
“Man, that was gettingintense down there, wasn’t it?” Viola fanned herself. “Did I have alot to drink? It got kind of hazy … but I do remember the leadsinger had one hell of a voice.”
I choked on my annoyance.Not like it didn’t happen every time something supernatural thisway came. Normal people couldn’t pin down what happened, whetherthey were incited to violence, orgies, or even a killer jamsession, thanks to those creativity-leeching fae.
“I need a stiff drinkafter that mess. Want to join me?” I asked, looping an arm aroundher shoulders. To my relief, she didn’t try to feel me up thistime.
“Sure thing. I’ll sell youoff at the bar, become your pimp.” She flashed me a grin as wemarched off toward the Raven pub.
Chapter Two
Two Jack Daniel’s laterand I still felt hot and bothered. Alcohol did nothing to sate thefigurative blue balls I’d gotten from watching everyone get it onbut myself. The bartender, a surly guy named Jake, chatted up oneof the older broads who batted her clumpy eyelashes hisway.
Viola had returned to herperky, happy self as if five minutes ago she hadn’t been straddlinga guy in the basement at a show. If I’d been normal, I could’vegotten my jollies off, had a good time, and let out some pent-upaggression. But no, the fae-sex-mobile had to come rolling intotown with the worst timing ever.
God, I needed a cigarette.I swished around my third Jack Daniel’s and watched the ice cubesbegin to melt. Viola had made a new friend, a guy sportingthick-rimmed glasses and a bushy beard that trailed halfway downhis button-down shirt.
The door creaked open, the little belltinkling with the motion.
I glanced back to seewho’d come in this close to closing and groaned.
All four of themapproached, as if they hadn’t already caused enough havoc in thistown. Satyr had a smirk on his face and questionable stains on hisshirt. Sexy Voice sauntered inside, pep in his step and all.Guitarist was still eyeing the sad remaining bar patrons, probablylooking for an extra fix.
The seat next to mesqueaked.