Page 6 of Siren's Call
Enough waiting around, andhell, enough watching for tonight.
“Shut up and fuck me,” Igrowled, grabbing him by his button-down shirt and pulling himforward. He laughed in surprise, a silken sound, before his mouthfound mine.
My insides weakened thesecond our lips touched and the fingers on his shirt unclenched. Hepulled me closer at the same moment his tongue slipped into mymouth. Christ, and he could kiss.
My legs lost function andclothes became too cumbersome. He tasted salty like the ocean andradiated the same steady power. The tingling from his mouth on minetraveled all the way to my fingertips.
Simple skin-to-skincontact wasn’t enough. I kissed him back, biting down on his lowerlip, satisfied to hear his groan. My hands slipped behind his neck,tracing down his spine, dipping inside his shirt.
His arm tightened aroundmy waist and my hips pressed against his. My shirt rode up as hishand crept under, climbing up my stomach, higher and higher. Hecaressed the top of my breast, circling around to squeeze. Themotion sent a jolt through me, making my nipples hard.
A groan escaped my lipsand I ground against him, desperate to have him inside me. Hisfingertips darted down my pants, tugging at the waistband the wayhe would the strings of his bass.
I sank to my knees, hishand caressing my back as I slid. My breaths were heavy, likeswallowing a thick syrup, but my nerves bristled withexcitement.
His black chinos didn’t stand a chance.
I grabbed the zipper withmy teeth and tugged, and his dick appeared. He leaned back,shoulders pressed against the brick wall as he braced himself. Iran my tongue up and down the length of his erection, shudderingfrom the heat. He grabbed a fistful of my hair, sending thrills upmy spine.
I opened my mouth and tookhim in whole, dipping up and down. His legs tensed with the motionand I went faster.
His erection throbbed andI could taste sex in my mouth. My insides tightened like a tautballoon waiting for a pinprick to burst it. His hips moved with mymouth and picked up tempo until he pulled me back and up by myhair. He panted, his eyes intense and predatory, straining with theeffort of pulling me away.
He leaned forward, grabbedthe hem of my pants, and tugged, the cargos dropping to the ground.His hand found my thigh and ran up and down my leg. I thrust myhips against him and his erection was hot and hard against my leg.My insides throbbed.
God, I wantedhim.
Those same skillfulfingers plucked my panties off like a petal and they fell to theground with my pants. He gripped both my thighs, reaching up untilhe was squeezing my ass, and lifted me up.
He turned and my backslammed against the brick wall as he ground against me. His lengthbrushed against my skin, piercing me with desire so strong it waspainful. My lips found his again and I tasted his sweet mouth, mytongue darting in to toy with his. I rubbed myself against him,desperate to have him inside me.
A wicked smirk graced hisface and lit up his eyes. The bastard was enjoying this slowtorture.
He dipped down and slowlylicked the length of my neck. I shuddered and pushed against him,my arms around his neck and my back to the wall. His heated breathdizzied my head, and drunk on lust, I bit down on his lipagain.
He lifted me higher and Itwined my legs around his waist. His eyes locked on mine and Inodded. I was pent-up and close to bursting. I couldn’t wait anylonger.
As he thrust himselfinside me, my mind was seared with a numbing bliss that soakedright through me.
His hardness was a burningspike inside that rode me higher and higher into throes ofpleasure. He pounded against me, my back scraping against the walland my kisses on his lips fevered and delirious.
Sweat soaked my skin anddrops trailed down his neck, illuminated by the moonlight. My kneestrembled but I clung on to him as he thrust me against the wallover and over again.
The pulsing inside made mecrazy, waves of pleasure rolling through and knocking awaythoughts, surroundings, everything except the fierce ecstasyrushing through me. All I could taste was the salt on his lips andall I could see were those piercing blue eyes intensified withpleasure. Our hair tangled together and our limbs were a jigsawpuzzle.
I bit down on my lip,stifling the guttural groan as the pressure rose higher and higher.My thighs tensed and I leaned my head back as he brushed his lipsup and down my neck.
He throbbed inside me andI ground against him as the tightness pulsed.Closer. Closer.The pleasure builtuntil I couldn’t stand it any longer and my insides were ready toexplode. He thrust, lingering and pinning me between his body andthe wall.
The pressure burst.
My body shuddered over andover again as I rode the waves of ecstasy rolling through me. Allthe frustration, all the anger, everything I had pent up for allthat time was released in one blissful motion.
He leaned down, his lipssmothering mine, intensifying the orgasm as I hung limp in hisarms. Hotness flooded through me as he spilled inside. He trembledagainst me while lowering us to the ground.
I straddled him as we sathalf-naked on the concrete in the back lot of the Raven, moonlightand shadows spilling over us like a second skin.
We both panted, staring ateach other with our mouths open but unable to form coherent words.His sharp chin, a couple of his pointed teeth, and the greenish hueof his skin were exaggerated by the moonlight.