Page 12 of Extraction Play
She had almost hoped Micah would bitch a fit, tell her not to go. Truth be told, she’d only done a few public scenes with her exes. She’d never played with anyone else, and she wasn’t sure how she would do. However, sitting around wasn’t working magic on her headspace either, and Meg had promised to help her learn.
She licked her dry lips as she approached Whipped, where the interior lights dimmed, as it was clearly closed. Eva peered inside, then tested the door—locked. The urge to turn back around reared, but at that moment, Fin made their way to the entrance.
The lock clicked, and the door swung open.
“Welcome.” Their eyes twinkled with mischief. “Meg told me you might be joining in our scene tonight.”
Did everyone in this place gun straight to the point on everything? Eva tugged on the sleeve of her blouse. She’d nitpicked over her outfit a thousand times and had eventually settled on a pair of black leggings, a white blouse, and a gray tank top underneath, in case they’d be stripping down.
Based on Fin’s mustard-yellow crop top and loose green pants, they rolled with a similar flexible attire. Their short purple hair was slicked to the side, and their grin was devilish.
“So, what’s your domming style?” they asked as they locked back up.
Eva tugged on her ponytail as she meandered in the direction of the dungeon so Finn could lead the way. Her nerves weren’t placing her in a great headspace for domming, but hopefully, the environment andsituation might change that. “I’m too new to the scene, so I don’t feel like I have one yet.”
Opposite of Jack, essentially.
He’d been like every other hard-edged cis guy Dom she met in the scene, who believed each sub was theirs to command, and if you were femme, you were automatically a sub. Wrong, wrong, wrong. His ego trips and posturing had repelled her from kink at first. But she’d loved how Sienna melted to her touch and unraveled. How a little planning and persuasion filled her with such endorphins.
“Perfect,” Fin said, bouncing on their heels. “That leaves so much to play with.”
Eva’s lips lifted in a soft grin. Their enthusiasm was infectious as they all but stampeded down the steps. Eva followed at a more leisurely pace, although her heart was thumping hard. The murmur of voices reached her.
Fin strode right in. “Let’s get this party started,” they hollered.
When Eva stepped inside, she took a moment to orient herself. The exercise mats had already been placed in the center of the room, and two guys lounged on the couch against the wall. The shirtless one had pretty-boy looks, wavy blond hair, and big blue eyes. The other was lankier with more angular features and long green hair pulled into a short ponytail. She remembered him as Nolan from the club night.
Meg stretched out on the exercise mats, wearing a white muscle shirt and black yoga pants. Thank fuck. She hadn’t needed to worry over her attire.
Next to her, Pixie moved in the middle of a stretch, which placed her thick thighs and ample ass on full display. Eva all but swallowed her tongue, and her core throbbed. Lord have mercy. Their sub for tonight was stripped to a loose pink tank top hanging off one shoulder and a pair of blue floral boy shorts. Her bare arms showcased her tattoos:a storm along one arm and script on the other. Her blue hair was tousled in a disorderly way Eva found herself attracted to. She itched to smooth the strands all while she appreciated them.
Pixie stood back up, and her eyes widened when her gaze landed on Eva.
“Hey, Pix,” Meg said, placing a hand on Pixie’s shoulder. “Want a third for the stress-relief scene you had in mind?”
Eva swallowed hard, nerves sparking to life. Meg had mentioned she would bring it up to Pixie if Eva showed up, but she hadn’t realized how much that would place her on the spot. Pixie might say no, that she didn’t want her playing with them tonight.
Pixie’s cheeks pinked, and her lashes fluttered in a coquettish way Eva was fast coming to appreciate. “If you’re okay with it?” The question was aimed at Eva, and somehow, Pixie asking her leeched away some of her nerves.
“I’m more than okay, gorgeous.” She might not know most of the folks here well, but in the short time she’d been staying at Micah and Pixie’s apartment, she’d felt more comfortable around Pixie than people she’d been friends with for years. Meg had already filled her in on the plan, but she longed to hear the words from Pixie herself. “So what exactly is it you want us to do to you?” Her lips quirked as she restrained a smile at how Pixie’s pupils widened.
Pixie’s little pink tongue darted out to wet her lips.
“On your knees, Pixie,” Meg said as if she could see how Pixie’s knees wobbled. Eva had been about to ask if Pixie needed a seat—preferably on her lap.
“Nice to meet you,” Nolan called over to Eva.
Eva nodded. “I saw you at the club the other night. I’m Micah’s sister.”
He cracked a grin, his smile toothy. “I see the resemblance, though the attitude’s a bit different.”
“Sloan.” The other guy waved. “I don’t think we’ve met before.”
Eva shook her head. “Not yet, but I’m looking forward to getting to know all of you better. Gotta make sure my brother’s hanging out with decent folks.”
“Starting with Pixie,” Fin said. “You’ll know her real well by the end of the night.”
Fuck if that didn’t make Eva’s clit throb.