Page 50 of Extraction Play
However, the guilt tugged at her regardless.
“Noles got sloppy drunk and was giving lap dances by the end of the evening,” Micah said.
“So a normal Wednesday night for him.” Pixie’s delivery was dry. She had a spark in her eyes that relieved Eva. After seeing her shatter to pieces, finding the core of her intact this morning reaffirmed she’d made the right call.
“Look, sometimes Noles is on the receiving end for those Wednesday nights.” Micah nestled farther into the pile of pillows on the loveseat.
“Mostly if your boyfriend is involved.” Pixie perched on the arm of the couch.
Eva took another sip of the tea, enjoying the scald. In another lifetime, she would’ve expected her brother to get crazy jealous over that, but he simply shrugged. Their group was so comfortable around each other, and it was nothing she’d ever experienced. Granted, if she stayed in the area, she’d need to set some boundaries with her and Micah in the same scene. Some things even bleach couldn’t erase.
“You’re being awfully quiet over there,” Micah said. “Are you still dealing with the aftereffects of the food poisoning?”
Eva swallowed hard and glanced between Micah and Pixie. She couldn’t fake illness well, not with Micah being home. But she could offer some truth. “I’m trying to figure out where I’m going to call home.”
“If it wasn’t clear to you already, you fit right in here,” Pixie said, a warmth in her gaze that sank inside Eva’s chest.
“Coming from the girl who’s trying to leave us,” Micah teased.
Eva’s stomach dropped. “What do you mean leaving?”
“Micah,” Pixie hissed.
With everything they’d shared, Pixie hadn’t once mentioned plans to move. Sure, they were only hooking up, but after last night, Eva had thought… Well, maybe she’d thought wrong. She couldn’t bring herself to meet Pixie’s eyes as ice hardened over the areas that had melted.
“There’s this artist-in-residency position open at the Portland Museum of Art,” Pixie said. “I’ve got an interview for it in a few weeks, so there’s no guarantee I’ll even getin.”
Fucking news to her. She hated how it tilted her off her axis, the world spinning around her. Pixie wasn’t hers, and this was a temporary arrangement. Yet with the secrets she’d confided to the woman—hell, the ones Pixie had confided back—Eva had begun to believe they might mean more.
“And even if I do get in, I haven’t decided whether that’s what I want to pursue,” Pixie said in a rush as if she tried to backpedal out of the situation.
“It’s a rare opportunity, so if you have to, I’ll pretend to understand while secretly hating you forever,” Micah said loftily.
Eva forced a smile. “Sounds like a dream job for an artist.” Fuck, she felt so stupid. She made the mistake of looking over and meeting Pixie’s eyes. The woman’s pretty blues had a note of pleading to them as if she tried to communicate something, but Eva wasn’t sure what. They hadn’t made any promises beyond stolen moments together. That wouldn’t have ever been sustainable.
Even if a stupid little part of her had been daydreaming.
The dangerous sort, like the idea of keeping Pixie for real.
“But ignoring the abandoner in our midst,” Micah said, ever the drama queen. “Don’t pull a Pixie. You don’t owe Nevada any allegiance, and here would be a good place to start over.”
Eva swallowed. Just a few minutes ago, the answer had seemed so clear, but part of what had her leaning toward the area was a woman who didn’t even want to stay. Her hands trembled. “I’ll make a decision by the end of the week. Trust me, I’m not planning on crashing on your couch for much longer.”
“The only decision I’m willing to entertain is that you’re moving here to San Francisco,” Micah said. “Ev.” His voice softened to the point her attention locked on him, and a seriousness lingered to hisdemeanor that had her paying attention. “You’re the only family I have left.”
“Same,” she responded with a bitter grin.
Which was why she shouldn’t have been fooling with his best friend.
“Considering you work remote, it can’t hurt to rent a place here for a spell,” Micah continued. “See if you like the area and give us a chance to really catch up. I’ve been doing a shit job of it, wrapped up in the new relationship and everything.”
“None of that,” Eva said sternly. “Or I’ll tell your boyfriend, and he can give you a spanking.”
“Ugh, not if it’s by proxy from you,” Micah said, faking a gag. “That’s enough to sour me on spanking completely.”
Pixie snorted. “That’s bullshit, and we both know it. I’ve never seen someone who needs it so much.”
Micah flipped up his middle finger. “Okay, Miss Fuck Me Six Ways From Sunday.”