Page 20 of Of Flame and Fate
Emme doesn’t have a cruel bone in her body. That doesn’t mean she hasn’t killed or that her hands aren’t stained with the blood of our enemies. It only means she’s had to fight harder to keep her innocence and hang tight to her kindness. Like the rest of us, she pushes through the nightmares as if they didn’t come, and does her best to live with sins she never meant to commit.
My eyes scrunch closed as I feel her power work through me. I don’t realize how bad I’m hurt until something cracks along my lower back and the soothing sensation of hertouchstretches across my right hip.
Gemini steps forward, straightening when he sees what she’s doing, and how much time she takes to heal me. His gaze drifts my way, the anger he demonstrated earlier flashing briefly across his watchful stare.
I’m sure we’ll discuss the dangers of chasing a vampire down a dark alley in more detail later; that conversation never gets old. For now, his attention strays to Emme. “Why isn’t she bathed and dressed?” he asks his wolves.
I release Emme, although I admit I get a little stuck.
The bile sniffing wolf approaches Gemini, keeping his head lowered. “The Elders don’t want us using the safe houses until they’re checked for possible sabotage. They request your presence, along with your mate and her sister at the Den.”
“All right,” Gemini says. He extends his arm. “Come on, Emme. I have clothes you can use.”
“Thank you,” she says, her head bowing as she passes the wolves. It must have been difficult being alone with them. While they wouldn’t hurt her, she like the rest of us aren’t Pack. If it weren’t for our mates and our positions within the Alliance, none of us would be allowed at the Den.
Emme, unlike Celia, Shayna, and I, doesn’t have a mate. The longer we associate with theweres, the more it seems to impact her and the way others within the Pack view her.
She slips inside Gemini’s ride, gasping when her shoe leaves a mark. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be,” he tells her. “It’ll come off.”
I can’t agree. I don’t think they make cleansers that remove liver stains. And if they did, it was probably invented by a werebeast with plenty of samples.
“Let me help you,” I offer, frowning at the scrutiny thewerespeg her with. I pause when I catch the two wolves in front watching her with interest. I wish I can say that’s a good thing. Except I’m not sure another beast is what Emme needs in her life.
Gemini shuts her door, turning to look at me. I touch his hand when I sense his lingering frustration. “We’ll talk about us later, okay?”
“Fine. There’s definitely more to say.”
His voice seems barren of emotion, though my guess is there’s a lot brewing beneath. “What’s wrong?” I ask.
“Not now,” he says, stroking my cheek lightly. “We have to go.”
I follow him to the rear of his SUV. Allwereskeep extra sets of clothing in their vehicles. With all thechangingthey do, it’s a must. I’m sure Gemini’s packmates offered Emme clothes, but like me, she’s not going to strip in front of just anyone.Weresare comfortable being naked around each other. We’re not.
I slip into the back when Gemini passes me a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt. Emme is going to swim in these, but it’s better to look slightly awkward than to continue wearing what she is. If anything, I’m ready to do her a favor and set the clothes she’s in on fire.
“Come on,” I say. “Let’s get you out of these clothes.”
I try and unzip the back of her dress, grimacing when the damn zipper gets stuck on something thick and slimly.
“What’s wrong?” Emme asks. “Is something on me?”
“Honey, everything is on you,” I say, cringing when I break through the sticky bits and see how much is left. “Try to pull it off from the front.”
She keeps her back to me. For lack of better terms, her back is moist. Very moist.Seriously moist!
“Can we stop somewhere?” I ask. “A motel or something just so she can get a quick shower?”
“There’s no time,” Gemini says.
I try and unsnap Emme’s bra when she struggles. Yeah, that’s pasty, too. But as much as I want to rid her of all these gross clothes, Gemini’s vacant tone momentarily keeps me in place.
“Taran, is something wrong?” Emme asks me.
Her eyes are rammed shut. She’s likely terrified of what’s soaking through her bra and what I might tell her it is.
“Not at all, sweetie,” I insist. I’m grateful she can’t see my face when I peel her out of her dress, especially when somethingplopsdown her back. Thankfully that’s the worst of it, and super props to Gemini for keeping large black garbage bags in one of the seat compartments. I won’t ask why he needs bags this large. He iswereand I’ve been grossed out enough.