Page 76 of Of Flame and Fate
“On your skin?”
“Yeah, mostly,” he says, his voice drifting. “It started in grade school. I had trouble learning and understanding so instead of taking notes or whatever, I’d draw on my hand. Drawing was the one thing I was good at. Birds were my favorite. One day, the one I drew on my hand started to move.”
He glances up when the door snaps shut. I don’t have to guess Gemini asked for privacy and ordered theweresto wait downstairs, just like I don’t have to guess that he chose to remain.
“Your drawings became your friends,” I guess.
“In a way,” he says. “I wasn’t alone when they were with me and I wasn’t the only freak in the room.”
“Is that why you have so much ink, so you don’t have to be alone?”
His lips press tight. “Something like that.”
I think back to the night of the concert, and how his tats fought so hard to save him. “So your bandmates were never real, and because of it, they weren’t real werewolves.”
All the hurt Johnny carries spills into the air, drenching it with melancholy. “They were real to me, Taran.”
We sit in silence for a long while. I want him to speak, but I won’t force him to. Whatever he feels or needs to articulate should come freely. I think the world owes him that much.
“When do I get to get out of here?” he finally asks.
I look to where Gemini waits with his arms crossed. “Technically, you’re free to go whenever you wish.”
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” Johnny asks.
“Watch your mouth,” Gemini growls at him.
“You’re not our prisoner,” I explain quickly. “And believe it or not, we don’t mean you any harm. But there is a group referred to as the Dark Legion. They’re growing in numbers and are targeting our strongest.”
“You mean like you?” he asks.
I take another look at the peacock. “More like you,” I reply. “If they know about you, they’ll find you and either kill you or try to use your power. If you let us, we can protect you.”
“I have protection,” Johnny says, motioning to his tats. “And a fucking legion of my own. My fans would do anything for me.”
“Your fans are human. Neither they nor your magic is enough,” Gemini says. “You saw how easily we crushed everything you threw at us and how Taran alone was able to catch you. The Dark Ones won’t be as merciful to you or your fans.”
“Think of them,” I plead. “All those people who adore you could be hurt. You’ve been hiding out in the open, but that’s no longer an option. Not after everything that happened at the concert.”
“Why not? The investigators chalked it up to being part of the show,” Johnny points out. “I saw it on T.V... But my crew, they’re going to know.”
“The investigators only claimed the effects were part of your show because that’s what we wanted them to believe,” Gemini tells him. “As for your crew, they were also taken care of.”
His face goes white. “Not like that,” I explain quickly. The investigators and everyone backstage was entranced. We have people for situations like this to keep humans from becoming aware of our world.”
“People? You mean witches,” he scoffs. “Yeah, saw all they’re good for.”
I place my hand on his knee. As a whole,weresdon’t like their mates demonstrating affection to anyone aside from close family. It’s never been an issue for me and Gemini since I’m not the affectionate type. But Johnny is killing me. The experiences he’s endured: losing his parents, having no friends, being ostracized by society? I’ve experienced all of it, and that shit still hurts.
“The shifters are going to find out about you, if they don’t already know.” I sigh when he won’t budge. “They don’t care about the human populace or about being discovered. They’ll mow down anyone in their path, including your fans.”
“Then I’ll die with them,” he says, the severity in his tone alerting me to the truth behind his statement. “They loved me when no one else would.” A tear cuts down his cheek. “You saw them, right? They’re the only ones who care whether I live or die.”
“They’re not the only ones,” I whisper. It takes all I have not to cry with him. “Please, Johnny, let us help you.”
“No,” he says, his voice breaking. “I want my life back.” He looks at Gemini. “Just get me out of here, man. You don’t ever have to see me again.”
Gemini meets him square in the face. “If that’s what you want.”