Page 5 of Once Kissed
Declan forces a laugh. “You’ll have to excuse my brother. His mouth sometimes gets away from him,” he says, gritting his teeth.
“That’s understandable,” Miles says, nodding. “My father, God rest his soul, was a police officer.”
“Yeah?” I direct my focus back on him. “With Philly?”
“No. Newark.” He takes his time answering, appearing to remember his old man. “He worked long hours to put me through school, and get me where I am today. He took pride in the job. But too much time on the street and too many felons to deal with eventually took their toll.”
“Yeah,” I agree, meeting him square in the eye. “Those shithead perps can do a real number on you.”
I thought for sure Declan would snap that pen in his hand in two. Miles, though, nods like he understands what I’m saying. “You have a hard job, my friend. Please know how much our office appreciates you, and all that you do.”
“It’s my sworn duty and honor, sir.” I mean what I say, but I’ll admit I’m laying it on pretty thick. It’s probably taking Declan all he has not to roll his eyes. My bullshit always screws with his patience. But he has his gifts and I have mine.
Miles adds a respectful nod, which I return. There’s a reason Miles Fenske knows who he knows and holds the position he does. He’s keen on what to say, and how and when to say it.
“So tell me about the third in command,” Miles says, returning his attention to Declan. “He’s managed to stay under the radar until now. How is that possible? And how is someone that young so high in the ranks?”
Declan goes into full attorney mode, spitting out everything he has. Without meaning to, I let my attention wander back to Tess. Anddamn,hasn’t she changed. Her once stick-thin frame has filled out. Her rack, while still small, actually makes a dent in that green blouse she has buttoned to the base of her throat. Gray pants cover her long legs, and she’s wearing the same kind of shoes Ma’s friends wear to church—the kind that belong on spinsters and fucking leprechauns. Why the hell is she wearing those damn things? Better yet, why’s she covering up that body? Especially now that she has a respectable ass to grab.
“Well, everything looks in order. Keep up the good work,” Miles says, wrapping things up. He stands and shakes Declan’s hand, appearing satisfied. But as he pulls back, his tone gives away his concern. “I know you want to work this alone, but if you need more staff, I expect you to notify me at once. Understood?”
“Yes, sir. I will.”
No he won’t. Big bro has something to prove and he’ll do it alone or die trying. Miles doesn’t suspect as much and leaves. Now, it’s just the three of us. One too many, if you ask me.
Tess resumes her typing. Declan his legal blubbering. Me, I’m back to eyeing that one-night hookup I broke the bed with.
She leans forward, tucking her hand against her face so her blond hair falls in soft waves. That’s different, too. One length, down to her shoulders, not like that pin-straight haircut that never made it past her chin and bangs so straight I could have used the edge as a lever.
There’s something else, too….She squirms in place under the weight of my scrutiny, adjusting her— That’s it: the glasses. They’re not those giant Harry Potter–looking pieces of crap. They’re little, square, and yeah, kind of hot.
Aw, hell. I look up at Declan. “Wassup?”
“Contessa has to pick up some paperwork the judge just signed. My detectives are tied up at the moment. I asked if you could accompany her courtside?” he snaps, his jaw clenched so tight, I’m sure he’ll crack a molar.
“Oh, yeah. I’m on it.”
Tess leaps to her feet. “I have to close out my files and shut down my computer first. It’s late, and I left it on. I’ll be right back.” She rushes away, slamming her knee into the chair. I reach to steady her, but she jumps like I burned her and plows into the wall. “Sorry. Sorry. I’m—I’ll be right back.”
She tears out of the room, slamming the door behind her and working that ass like—
“Did you fuck my intern?”Declan growls.
I glance back at him as he looms over his desk. “Just a little,” I admit.
Argyles.He called meArgyles.That’s the same nickname he gave me the morning after we, we…
I slap my hand over my head.Oh, my God,I need to get out of this. I need to get out of this now!
My urgent steps slow as the reality of my situation becomes abundantly clear: I can’t give up my opportunity to work with Declan. I can’t refuse police surveillance. I can’t request another police officer this soon. And there’s no escaping Curran O’Brien.
But then there never was, was there?
I lean against the wall and start flipping through the notes I took on my iPad.