Page 44 of Of Flame and Fury
Celia sighs, appearing more tired than I’ve seen in a long time. “Makawee finished warding the magical stronghold I’m to live in,” she adds quietly.
“I guessed as much when Makawee skipped the party and her duties as Omega in favor of assisting with the boathouse escape,” I reply.
Sadness marches across Celia’s features in a way that breaks my heart. “Aric plans to lead these things away so Bren can take me to the stronghold.”
I know Aric well enough to know where this is going. He’s going to kill what threatens Celia or die trying.
“Bren is supposed to take you?” Emme asks.
This is news to us. But it doesn’t affect me in the same way it affects Emme. Celia nods, appearing close to tears.
“Bren didn’t tell me,” Emme says.
“And Aric didn’t tell us,” I point out.
“Aric knows I want you with me,” Celia explains.
“Then why is Bren taking you?” Shayna asks. “And why aren’t we the ones getting you out of here like we planned?” Shayna asks.
Celia pushes her heavy hair away. “It’s a last-ditch effort in case we didn’t make it out through the lake.” She glances to the demolished greenhouse. “While we were in the foyer and as things started to take a turn, Aric developed this new plan.”
“I get it, Ceel. I do,” Shayna says. “But since the beginning, we were supposed to stay together, keep you tucked away where you can have Junior in peace, and we can watch over you.”
“That remains the ultimate goal,” Celia insists. She holds out her hands when we try to interrupt. “You have to understand, when those things started to attack and I was separated from everyone but Shayna, Aric had to develop a new strategy. At first, he was going to have Braeden take me, until he saw Bren.”
“Why wait so long to tell us? You had plenty of time for this big reveal in the greenhouse, Ceel,” Shayna says, sounding hurt. “I mean, before the Nytes showed up and the plants went all killer psycho on us.”
Celia shakes her head. “I couldn’t trust what or who could hear me.” She motions around the destruction Bridette’s death curse caused. “Everything that can listen now is dead except for us.”
“All right,” I mutter. Like Shayna, I’m hurt to be left out of things. I always want us together, not just because Celia is expecting. I do want to protect her and the baby, but I want us to stay together because the four of us was always the one constant we could depend on throughout our not-so-great lives. “I get we haven’t had much downtime. Still, you have to understand where we’re coming from. Us, breaking up like this, is a hard pill to swallow, Ceel.”
“We’re not breaking up,” Celia insists. “And I don’t want to go anywhere without you.”
“Then why leave without us?” Emme asks. “And why have an injured wolf escort you alone?”
Understanding finds a way into Shayna’s voice. “The baddies will assume you’re with the strongest wolves. With Bren being hurt, he’ll be ignored.”
“Hurt or not, he’ll die before he lets anyone hurt Celia,” Emme says. Her gaze drops to her small hands as if they can somehow stop this madness. “I have to be a part of this, Celia. I can heal you if you’re hurt, and I can heal him.”
“It has to be just me and Bren, Emme,” Celia says.
“Are you nuts?” I ask. “You’ll both be vulnerable.”
“I know,” Celia replies. Tears stream down her face.
“Oh, Ceel,” Shayna says. She runs toward her and hugs her tight. “Aric isn’t the only one trying to lead the super baddies away. You’re trying to lead them away from us too.”
Aw, hell, Shayna just nailed it.
I thought Celia allowed me to take on the role as protector of the family. But then here she is, pregnant and bordering on defenseless, and she’s still protecting us.
“If I make it to the stronghold, we’ll be together,” Celia assures us, returning Shayna’s fierce embrace. “I need you with me. Who will help me give birth, change diapers, tell me it’s going to be okay every time I think it won’t be?”
Aric, I almost say. I don’t only because I hear her heart. As much as it kills her, she’s come to terms that Aric may not make it. Even if he does (God, I really hope he does), we’re her sisters. We’re the ones who laugh and cry with her, just like we do now.
Without looking up, Shayna and Celia lift their dirt-smeared arms and tuck me against them. Emme is already there, like me, doing a hideous job of silencing our blubbering.
“I need you to live,” Celia stammers. “If things don’t happen like I want them to, I need to know you’re safe.”