Page 53 of Of Flame and Fury
The first of our group barrels through the rear entrance, trying to fit their massive bodies through a too-narrow space. The next few follow, including Celia and Shayna. Emme and Bren are still farther back. We’re almost there, but just like we want in, these Nytes want to keep us out.
I’m knocked away from Gemini’s twin when something crashes into me. I barely feel fangs snap near my throat. They’re gone as fast as they arrived.
Gemini’s twin takes a protective stance in front of me and allows me to use him to get to my feet. A giant lynx with scales protecting its ribs screeches as Gemini beats it do death against a rock. Black fluid splatters his bare chest. “Taran, get inside.”
Still winded from the fall and fight, I slip from the twin when I try to climb on. More Nosferatus scramble toward us. Gemini and his twin growl, throwing themselves at them. Damn it, most of us are still out here, and the vampires have only reached the first terrace.
My head spins with exhaustion as my magic builds. I let Sparky guide me, reaching into that deep space that demands fire and destruction. It’s not a place I like to go. Not when innocents may die. I warn them the best way I can, yelling even as my throat burns. “Ass kicking in three, two,one!”
Weresleap over, and the vampires scramble up anything they cling to, walls, statues, even each other as I slam my hands into the ground. I grunt in torment as ripples of blue and white flames shoot across and in front of me surging in size and length and burning everything in its path.
I can’t see through the clouds of smoking bodies, tears singeing my eyes as I pray only Johnny’s fucking minions are affected. I choke on the flames, wishing I could cover my ears when they catch and burn the leechy thing. My hands shake, and my spine threatens to crack from the ache of keeping the fire going. It’s not until Gemini clasps my elbow that I know to stop.
“Enough, Taran. We need to get into the manor.”
I allow him to lead me to my feet and steady me as I swipe at my face. Charcoaled piles of creatures litter a large portion of the lawn closest to the lake, including what’s left of the leech, and soot cakes the stone terraces. Several smoldering trees fall over, my dwindling flames barely cast a dim light.
Slowly, the vampires make their way down from their posts, hurrying past and giving me ample space. Misha is the exception. As a master, fire won’t kill him. He pauses to wink at me before proceeding up the stairs.
“Is everyone okay?” I ask, finding it hard to speak.
“No,” he says. “We lost several on the way here.”
“But did I…?” I can’t find my words, but I don’t need them around Gemini.
“You allowed everyone else through. Now it’s our turn to head inside.”
Gemini sweeps me up into his arms, moving fast toward the manor. I glance at the destruction, noting how much ass I kicked. There’s nothing left really. Another tree topples down, scattering burning acorns like embers along a thick layer of ash that’s replaced the back lawn. Down on the beach, remains of the creatures sink into the sand as Tahoe buries its enemies. A harsh splash of waves brings more of Tahoe’s victims while the clouds clear, allowing the dull moonlight to poke through.
Gemini reaches the entryway, and still, I stare at the quiet behind us.
“Did I—” I cut myself off when I start coughing. “Did I get them all?”
Gemini shakes his head, his body soaked and his voice rough from battle. “No. There are more out there. I can hear them coming for us.”
Chapter Eighteen
Like Destiny said, the rooms where we fought are cleared of Johnny’s creations. They’re “clean” by supernatural standards, safe to walk through without fear of something skewering you through the heart and roasting you with its breath. Except “clean” doesn’t equate to pretty.
Instead of the expensive and treasured artwork, blood and body fluid decorate the demolished walls of the grand foyer. The most prominent stains are thickest at the entrance, where the leechy Nyte first appeared and murdered Genevieve’s guards. Gemini nods to the group ofwerestasked with carrying the giant wolf Aric killed out. The thing lies in limp pieces. It’s very much dead after the pounding Aric gave it, but no less disturbing.
“Where are you taking it?” Gemini asks theweres.
A she-lion steps forward. Like the others, she’s naked, her body littered with cuts and bruises. “To the yard before more of our prey arrive. The alpha demands we clear the space for the injured and for our people to rest.”
She refers to the Nytes as our prey. It’s easier than the other way around. Except, I’m not positive it’s true.
“No,” he tells her. “Burn it and any enemy you find in the fireplaces. I don’t want these creatures feasting on their dead or reviving them.”
Theweresexchange glances. A smaller male dragging one of the heads frowns. “They are able to revive their dead?”
“We don’t know what they’re capable of,” Gemini says. “But I won’t take any chances.”
“Yes, sir,” theweresreply.
“Sir?” a youngwereinterrupts.
I remember her. She’s a honey badger, small but fierce, and just graduated last year at the top of her class. “Why are there so many?” she asks. “Fate is strong, but this seems too much, even for him.”