Page 63 of Of Flame and Fury
Gemini places his arm around me and leads me forward. We’d stayed behind to care for the injured and the dead while Aric saw to Celia.
Aric didn’t just clear a suite for Celia. He clearedGenevieve’squarters. Located on the third floor at the center of the house, Shayna reported back that, “It’s roughly the size of Kansas and contains enough period furniture to shame the hottest ripped-bodice novels, dude.”
The location makes total sense. Here, Genevieve can monitor the magic of her coven and her guests and anticipate a coup or attack. Now, if only bat-shit crazy Bridette had resided in these halls.
I rub at the knot in my neck. The foyer is a room in and of itself, though small by Genevieve’s standards. I suppose it’s designed for those waiting for an audience with the Tahoe region’s head witch. Guests are served champagne and caviar or whatever the fuck or told flat-out she’s not to be disturbed. Vieve enjoys her position, and it suits her, as does the former glory of her surroundings.
A plush couch is set in front of the fireplace and stuffy winged chairs placed on either side. A bar takes up most of the right side, its stock of top-shelf alcohol and liquor all but gone.
We nod to theweresstanding guard by the entrance to Vieve’s private residence. “Is the hall clear, sir?” a female asks Gemini.
“For the moment,” Gemini responds. “I’m not sure what the next hour will bring.” He gives theweresthe once-over. The female has a nasty scar on her side just below her liver. But the cut closed thanks to Emme. If the magic keeping theweresfrom healing somehow lifts, or we manage to escape the manor, her beast will take over and smooth the scar, leaving no evidence of a hard-fought battle.
“Have the next team take over your positions,” Gemini orders. “You need food and rest.”
The male bows his head. “We’ve had our share of food, but we’ll take the rest, sir.” He lifts his head and addresses me, careful not to look me in the eye directly in front of my mate. “Your sisters are safe.”
“Thank you,” I say. I was hoping that was the case and wasn’t as worried until we met that thing in the hall we just killed.
Relief washes over Emme’s and Shayna’s faces when they see us walk in. I lift my hand, keeping them in place, along with Koda and Bren, where they’re eating at a crowded table full ofweres.
There’s not a lot of food. Mostly meat plates with cheeses. I think about how theweresaid he had his “share” of food, not his fill. It won’t be long until we run out of food. Any game on the grounds has likely escaped or was killed. I don’t think Johnny’s creations necessarily need food, but if I were him, I’d starve my enemies if it meant gaining the upper hand.
Aric brought Celia here as soon as he could manage it, leaving Gemini in charge. Misha and his family accompanied them, as did a few witches who volunteered to “feed” the vampires.
Misha insisted he and his family stay in Vieve’s dwelling to help protect Celia. Aric allowed it. He and Misha will never be bros, but he recognizes Misha’s loyalty to Celia and the stance he took against Uri.
I look in the direction of what might be the master bedroom. Several witches stumble out, their skin flushed pink and their formal hairstyles spilling against their shoulders and faces from the multiple orgasms feeding the vampires must have aroused. The witch with waist-length silver hair is walking with her legs parted like she’s straddling a horse. My guess is she either fed and had sex with Misha, Ileana, or both.
Gemini approaches Koda, whispering low. Koda has resumed his human form and is wearing what would be an extra-long pair of basketball shorts on anyone else. Scars in varying lengths crisscross his torso and back, and his long silky hair lies in a braid against a rather mangled shoulder. Like most of theweresat the table, the pains of battle are written all over his skin. He needs more than what’s in front of him, yet there he is, giving the lion’s share of the block of cheese he was provided to Shayna.
“Where’s Celia?” I ask.
Shayna finishes swallowing the piece of cheese she’s munching on. “Closet, dude,” she replies.
Her response gives me the barest pause. Aric wouldn’t just shove Celia in a closet, if she’s there, it’s likely the safest place in the whole place. “All right,” I say. “Which way?”
She motions to the door opposite from where the witches stumbled through. Before I can move, she clasps my arm. “If you can, give her a little while, T. Ceel didn’t want to leave us downstairs and continued to fight sleep even though the little momma was plenty spent. It took Aric holding her and his wolf to settle her beast.”
“All right.”
Shayna motions to her plate. “Want some food?”
I take a small bowl of cheese, prosciutto, and grapes she offers. “Thank you,” I say, forcing down a few bites. I’m not hungry. Blood and gore have a way of robbing me of my appetite. I eat just enough to replenish some calories, more because I think I should, and pass the remainder to Gemini. He glances down at it and frowns, not liking how little I ate. “We may not get more later,” he warns.
“I know,” I say.
Bren pushes away from the table with a hard shove. I don’t think he could have sat farther away from Emme. I expect him to play like she’s not here and ignore her, but I’m wrong.
Bren lifts his plate marches away from the kitchen, dropping his plate of sliced sausage in front of Emme. She looks up at him. He doesn’t look back, limping toward the back of the residence.
Emme rises, ramming a few pieces of the sausage into her mouth. The rest of the meal she drops onto Gemini’s plate.
Emme never eats without utensils or shoves food into her mouth. As a preemie who spent time in the NICU, Emme had many physical and occupational delays. Our mother helped Emme through her issues and worked on her skills by teaching her to use a knife and fork and to write at a young age. The skills stayed with Emme, as well as her manners. Yet here she is, chasing after Bren, her cheeks full of food.
I stalk after them. Emme may have healed the worst of my injuries, but my bare feet continue to throb. I welcome the cool feel of the wooden floors as I round the corner into a small bedroom.
The mattress has been pulled, and the bed dismantled, its remains piled against a corner. Shams and blankets cover the floors. Several will sleep in the small space, the security of the sheer number of allies allowing for at least a few hours of solid sleep.