Page 18 of A Cursed Noel
“Boyfriend?” Igrin. “Sweetness, we both know I’m a lot more than that.”
“No kidding,” themale mutters under his breath.
Celia’s bodytemperature surges, adding another few coats of red to her alreadyscorching face. I’m not embarrassed by what he says. What sets meoff is how he intends it as a slight against Celia.
My wolf thinks weshould just kill him and kick his remains down the sewer. Can’tthis idiot see Celia belongs to us?
He shoots me a glare.Cute. His position and status may give him an edge in his workplace,but I’m the alpha here.
All I have to do to gethim to submit is take a step forward. It’s easy. He knows he’sweaker. The thing is, he’s pushing his limits when it comes toCelia.
The aroma of jealousypermeates through the doctor’s skin when Celia clutches my arm. Heisn’t a good man. If he was, he wouldn’t try for someone as youngas Celia who has so much to prove.
He thinks he can doanything to her and get away with it. That makes him prey. I move onhim. He takes a step back, the assertive posturing he attempts toassume, dwindling. The human populace may be unaware of supernaturalslike me, but even a dipshit like him recognizes a dangerous beingwhen he sees one.
He jerks his chin,attempting to hide his cowardice even though I can taste it.
My muscles tighten,readying to defend what’s mine.You don’t get to have her andyou sure as fuck won’t hurt her.
Celia’s clutch to myarm tightens. “Dr. Bantam is a surgical resident,” she says,speaking quickly. “He’s conducting his OB rotation on my unit.”
I tuck Celia against meand continue forward, hellbent on knocking his teeth in. “That’snice,” I say, not meaning it.
Celia digs her heelsinto the snow, attempting to hold me back. I only stop because shewants me to. “Aric, you can’t kill him,” she urges.
She’s trying to bequiet, but her frantic attempts to calm me make her loud enough to beheard.
Doc throws his hands upin surrender. “Whoa there, buddy. I don’t want any trouble.”
The rage I’m familiarwith sets in when I catch sight of the wedding band on his finger. Istomp forward. He hurries further back. Celia squeezes me tighter.
“I’m not yourbuddy,” I snap at him. “And you’re the one asking for trouble.”
“I don’t know—”
I cut him off. “Whatare you doing going after someone too young and good for you?” Idemand. “You have a wife waiting on your sorry ass to come home.”
“What?” he asks. Hejerks his head toward Celia. “I was just trying to be nice.”
“Aric,”Celia warns.
She thinks I’ll stop.Nope. I’m just getting started.
“Nice?” I ask,shadowing him like he shadowed Celia. “You’re making moves onsomeone you think is an easy target.”
“What?” Hisface reddens. He’s not embarrassed about what he’s done. He’sangry that I see right through him. “That’s absurd.”
“Is it?” I ask.
He backs into the sideof a truck. I’m close enough that I catch the barest aroma of aninfant. His infant.
“You have a baby athome,” I say aloud.
“Y-you’rethreatening my child?” he says.
I ram my face into his.“No. I’m threatening you. Go home to your wife, to the blessingshe was naïve enough to give you, and stop chasing women.” I biteout my last few words. “If you ever pull this shit again, I’llyank out your spine and stab you through the skull with it.”
I ease away from him,giving him enough space for a quick, if not, clumsy exit.