Page 39 of A Cursed Noel
Now that I’m aware,my wolf and I can sense her pain. Man, she’s strong. It will take alot to bring her down. That doesn’t mean I want her to suffer.
“Sweetness, I knowthis isn’t our best option. But if it’s ultimately to yourbenefit, I think you should do it.”
“Please, baby,” Iadd when she hesitates. “Do it for me.”
Celia glances down.“All right,” she agrees. She lifts her gaze to take me in. “It’sgoing to hurt. Emme isn’t very fast. Just don’t freak out, okay?I’ll muscle through it.”
I start having secondthoughts when I realize how scared she seems. Damn. She wasn’t thisscared of Odin. “How much pain are we talking here?” I ask.
“Oh, depending howdeep Emme has to go to put Ceel back in fighting shape, a lot,”Shayna explains.
“A good healing witchwouldn’t cause you much pain,” I say aloud.
Taran looks at Celia.This time there’s no attitude, just enough sadness to demonstrateshe is human after all. “Like I said, we’re not witches. We’rejust us.”
Emme regards Celia asif already apologizing ahead of time. “Are you ready, Celia?
“Yes,” Celiaagrees.
“You want her to healthose hickies, too?” Shayna asks.
“Yes,Shayna,”Celia grinds out.
I nod at Emme. “Justbe careful with her, all right?”
Emme’s voice is assoft as the snowflakes that start to form. “I’ll do my best,Aric,” she promises.
I keep my arms wrappedaround Celia. I’m unsure if I’m supposed to, except I’m notwilling to let her go.
Emme’s pale yellowlight sputters to life and surrounds her. Using care, she places herhands over Celia’s head.
It’s then that evilawakens, and all hell breaks loose.
Chapter Eleven
Thunder cracks andwind gusts arrive full force, sweeping the dense layers of snow anddebris all over the yard.
Emme’s light cocoonsme as I clutch Celia tighter. I try to shield her from the flyingfragments, but we’re being pegged from all directions.
Celia arches her back,her nails protruding to rake along the snow as agony consumes her.With a jolt, I realize her response isn’t only from Emme healingher. Nor is this magical assault a result of Emme’s power.
My purpose for beinghere cracks me hard across the head. The evil, the one we seek, hasarrived. Between the gusts, its sinister whisper warns me to run ordie.
I’m not goinganywhere.
And this thing iswhat’s going to die
Emme screams, jerkingaway from Celia. “Something bad is here,” she stammers. Slowly,she turns in the direction of the house. “I think it’s coming forus.”
Her pale-yellow lightflickers in and out. She curls inward, shaking. I snag her arm andpull her back to Celia.
“Emme, you have tofinish healing, Celia,” I yell over the howling wind. “Do youhear me? Whatever you do, don’t stop. This thing will come afterher while she’s vulnerable.”
Emme nods, herunderstanding fueling her magic.
Shayna shields hereyes; the increasing wind is kicking up rubble and making it hard tosee. “I feel something, too. I’m just not sure what it is,” shesays. She lifts the broom from the ground. “There’s bad jujulike, everywhere. We need to get Celia inside where it’s safe.”
“No,” I insist.“That’s what it wants you to think. Whatever this thing ishatched inside and is extending its magic outward.”