Page 12 of Dirty Secrets
Ispend all morning wondering whether I did the right thing or was a big ol’ chicken.
Sitting at Fran’s diner, I am able to write down snippets of people’s conversations so automatically by now that it gives me plenty of time to think.
My lips burn every time I think about the hunger in Walker’s kisses. My legs rub together every time I think of his talented tongue, and the way he made me cry out, and pant like some sort of wildcat.
It was magical. Invigorating. And apparently highly addictive, because now I can’t think of anything except the next time I’m going to see him. Especially after the way he had grabbed me, rubbing his massive cock against me.
It felt so sexy. Knowing how badly he wants me makes every part of my body come alive. Wild to think that I’ve only known him for a handful of days.
Is starting a relationship really the right thing to do? I mean, most of my jobs are online, so realistically I could live anywhere I want. I already adore Old Hemlock Valley and could easily see myself settling here. Not to mention it would definitely be thesafest place I’ve ever lived. It's so small and wholesome that the grocery store doesn't even have a name or a sign.
Yet I can almost guarantee Walker would want me to move in with him. Talk about throwing the balance of a relationship off. I could pay rent, but again, I’m positive he wouldn’t hear of it. He would be the sole provider, and I would essentially be mooching off him. It…doesn’t appeal.
A sip of coffee does nothing to clear the tornado of thoughts overtaking me, so I focus on the running commentary about the weather and growing seasons from the customers at the counter.
A woman comes in and makes a beeline for me. It takes me a moment, then I recognize her from yesterday. Artie’s mom. “Excuse me… You’re the one who sat with my son on the way to the hospital?”
“Yes. Is he okay?”
She slips into the booth, beaming as she clasps my hands. “He’s fine. Well, he’s got a few dozen stitches. They were considering giving him a transfusion, but decided on just saline to start, and he responded right away.”
“That’s good. I’m so glad.”
“Glad?” Her enthusiastic voice is just loud enough that everyone in the diner turns slightly toward us, obviously listening in. “Honey, how much more blood would he have lost if you hadn’t been there to look after him? He said that you kept him calm all the way to the hospital. That you distracted him from the pain, and kept pressure on the wound so he didn’t bleed out…”
I can feel myself blushing so hard it feels like the tips of my ears are burning. “I’m always happy to help.”
She grips my hands tightly. “Oh my dear, you did more than help. You went above and beyond. Someday, when you’re a mother, you’ll understand. I can’t possibly thank you enough.”
“Please.” My hands jump up reflexively. “Any decent person would’ve done the same thing.”
She shakes her head. “You don’t understand. Not many people would’ve known precisely how to deal with Artie. He goes quiet when he’s freaked out. You got him chatting. You’re a miracle worker, and I’ll never forget it.” She reaches out to tap my hand. “Let me take care of your lunch today and a little extra.” She jumps up and grins. “It’s so nice to have some new lovely young ladies here in the valley.”
Before I can stop her, she darts over and chats with Myrna at the counter, setting up a fifty-dollar tab in my name. She waves brightly on her way out, leaving me to stick my nose back in my notes until people stop staring at me.
If this had happened in the city, I would not have wanted to be the center of attention like that. But everything is different here. This is the nicest place I’ve ever lived, and it’s slowly dawning on me that I never want to leave.
My phone lights up with a text.
Walker: Hey, sweetheart. Dinner tonight? We didn’t get to see West Stoneburg, so maybe somewhere there?
My fingers tap the table restlessly. I don’t want to be around other people. Just him.
We’re not entirely sure how much longer our study is going to run. Probably two to four more weeks at most. If I’m going to make a decision about having a relationship with this gorgeous older man, I’ll have to figure him…us…out quickly.
Which means getting to know him as much as possible. And…what the heck. Giving in to these physical urges. Even if it’s not forever, why not make the most of every possible moment?
Actually, I don’t think I’m in the mood for other people. But Harper and Nikki are both out tonight. Could I cook for you at my place?
His answer comes lightning quick.
Walker: Sure – that sounds amazing. I’ll bring dessert. What time works for you?
Actually, would you mind picking me up and driving us to the grocery store first? It’s awkward here without a car. I’ll be at Fran’s until 5:30?