Page 22 of Dirty Secrets
Stepping into the garage, I inhale the faint, earthy smell of oil and wooden chests full of steel tools while he scrubs his hands and arms with a cleanser that smells of orange oil.
Once his hands are dry, Walker comes over to wrap his arms around me, leaning in to nuzzle my ear. “To what do I owe the unexpected but delightful pleasure, beautiful?”
“Well, if something needs fixing, you come to a mechanic, right?”
“Of course.” He glances toward Harper’s car. “What’s wrong with her?”
“There’s a funny noise.”
He takes a step toward the car, but I stop him, placing my hands on the back of his shoulders and bringing my lips to his ear. Then I purr until he chuckles, his hands sliding down to grab my ass firmly.
“And here I was worried that you’d be overthinking yourself to pieces.”
“Oh, don’t worry. I did.” Tipping my chin up, I hate the way he frowns. “But then I snapped myself out of it.”
“Good.” His firm palm feels amazing as he rubs up and down my back. “Did you make any decisions? Can we carry on being cozy for a while?”
I begin to nod, then twist until I’m shaking my head side to side. “Not just cozy. I think that we’re safe using a certain term that you hinted at the other day.”
His face lights up like a toddler who’s been handed a fluffy gray kitten. “Really? You’re okay with being my girlfriend?”
“Yes – ifyou’reokay with the fact that I’m still a bit jumpy about some things.”
He crushes me gently against his chest. “We’re going to take such amazing care of each other, sweetheart. You’re going to help me make my home more grounded and comfortable. You’re going to be my excuse to not eat the same thing three times a week – oh my god, we’ll be invited to couples barbecues now that we’re a couple!”
“Since it sounds like you want me to move in pretty quickly, I’ll be able to increase my student loan payments.” I can feel a wave of tension leaving my body just saying that out loud.
He steps back and frowns. “Yeah…about that… Go figure, the banks don’t like it if someone calls around offering to pay off someone’s student loans.”
My mouth falls open. My eyes widen until they feel dry from not blinking. “You didn’t.”
He grimaces sheepishly. “No. But I tried. I just wanted to drop a payment on them to help you out. But they got all freaky, as if I was digging around for information or something. Then I realized I shouldn’t really do anything like that without talkingwith you first anyway, even though”…he sticks out his lower lip…“I kinda wanted it to be a surprise.”
It’s not just that his heart is in the right place and that he wants to help me. It’s the fact that he confessed immediately that he considered meddling. That’s what makes me realize he’s the one. My feelings are more important to him than throwing his money around.
My fingers tangle into the back of his hair as I stretch up to purr in his ear again. “I really think that sound needs attending to, don’t you?”
The first time we slept together, it became very clear very quickly that Jocelyn loves it when I talk dirty. So why censor myself now?
“You know you’re way hotter than any of the models on the corny racing tire calendars we’re sent every year.” I release her to make sure all the doors of the garage are locked. Then I grab her again and whisper in her ear, “How do you feel about making every mechanic’s fantasy come true?”
“Anything you want.” She stretches up to kiss me hard enough that I can taste her hunger.
She laughs as I lift her onto one of the lower workbenches. I grab a spare t-shirt from my drawer, then throw her over my shoulder for a second so I can lay that down on the bench before hitching up her dress. She giggles as I pull her panties down her legs, then awkwardly remove them over her shoes. I stuff them in my pocket, grinning at the way she looks at me. “What? You knew from the start that I’m a dirty boy.”
“I knew you were a Dirty boy, but I’ve only recently discovered that you’re also adirtyboy.”
Jocelyn’s perfect pink lips open to say something else, but no sound comes out. Instead she gasps when my head ducks under her skirt to kiss her naked pussy. She’s so soft and warm, and within a minute she’s wet for me. My tongue drags slowly across her delicate skin, coaxing every ounce of sensation from her outer lips before digging in deeper. My tongue plunges inside as I throw one leg over my shoulder. She grips my hair to hold on, moaning softly. “I didn’t think… I can’t believe…Oh!”
As soon as I feel her start to squirm and twitch, my finger slips inside so that my mouth can circle her clit, humming and licking at exactly the pace I know she likes. “Mmm,” I moan deeply, breathing in her salty, fresh fragrance, tasting her precious juices.
Her skirt is in the way, so I can’t read her expression, but I can tell what she’s feeling from the way her lower belly trembles against my forehead. She’s so responsive, wordlessly telling me everything I need to know as I press more firmly, adding another finger as I plunge quick and deep. Jocelyn’s broken cry as she comes on my mouth is the sexiest sound I’ve ever heard. But of course I want more.
After I lap up some of her juices, I stand, unzipping my jeans. “You know that every single mechanic has dreamed of taking a girl on his workbench.”