Page 10 of Blood Bonds
I was the live wire.
My brother was the switch that powered it.
Together we were a team, and we were each all the other one had ever needed. But looking down at her now I realized that had changed. Because now, after so many centuries of being all the other needed…
Now there was her.
Chapter 4
Too Easy
“Enjoy Heaven, Angel.”
I jolted awake when I heard this repeated and plucked it straight from my memories, unable to quite distinguish whether it had been a nightmare or not. But what was I saying? Of course it had been a nightmare!
A Vampire!
He was a real-life fucking Vampire for Christ’s sake!
I rose from the bed I had obviously been put in and for the first few minutes, I simply held my head in my hands just to get it to stop shaking from side to side.
No… this couldn’t be happening.
No… this couldn’t have been real.
No… Vampires didn’t exist.
Of course, the problem I had was that no matter how many times I tried to get my mind off the possibility of it all being real, another memory would assault me, battling back the doubts…
Because I knew what I had seen.
I knew what I had felt.
My hand flew to my neck, expecting to find it sore or some other evidence to what had been done to me. But there was nothing. Had he healed me? If so, then the next question had to be why? The thought prompted another flash of memories to wash over me… Because he had certainly intended on killing me, that much had been clear from the way he acted.
That’s what he had snarled after tasting me, pulling his fangs from me without finishing what he started, as if there had been something unexpected in my blood. After that, the cruel glint in his eyes had softened, and the brutal hold he had me locked to felt more like an embrace from a lover.
“Jesus, Nessa, what are you even thinking about?!” I chastised aloud before my eyes shot around the room, only now thinking about taking in my surroundings. What the hell was wrong with me?! I mean, who wakes up discovering they had been kidnapped and instead of trying to escape, first takes the time to think about how fucking good it had felt being in his strong arms?
Had it felt good?
“Nope, not going there,” I told myself, shaking my head and focusing on the only thing that mattered.
So that was why the word had struck a cord with me. That damn fortune teller had a lot to answer for! But first things first… I took in the room and wondered if I was actually in a hotel suite or something? It was the most stylish room I had ever slept in, with its rich, deep blue walls and its ivory padded panel behind the huge bed. The furniture was pale wood to match the pieces of carved driftwood on the walls. Thick plush cream rugs lay on the hardwood floors and broke up the bold blues in the room, and navy sheets.
Well, it may have been nice, elegant, modern, and rich but as far as I was concerned, they could keep it without me in it.
I shifted off the big ass bed, one that could have been made for damn orgies for the size of the thing. I found my cheap, stained sneakers next to the bed and even they became a sight that spoke volumes of how out of my depth I was here. I didn’t belong in such luxury, and I certainly didn’t belong in a Vampire’s bed!
No matter how handsome he had been.
Although, even the word handsome didn’t seem powerful enough to describe the man. A God among men perhaps. Or maybe the Devil among mortals… yeah, that was definitely more fitting.