Page 22 of Blood Bonds
“I could ask you the same, could I not?” This was his answer, and I guess he had a point. But what could I say? That some weird feeling had overtaken me and I had felt compelled by some unknown force to come here. Yeah, Nessa, that would go down well and not sound weird at all.
“I suppose you could,” I replied, giving nothing away, just like him, and again making him grin down at me. After this, neither of us pressed the other for an answer on why we were in the park, instead we walked in comfortable silence. That was until he asked the question,
“Tell me, do you live near here?” I snorted a laugh, a very unladylike sound that made me blush.
“Did I say something funny?” he asked gently.
“No… yes… I mean, to imagine that I could afford to live next to Central Park is… oh… erm… you live here, don’t you?” I guessed after I saw him wince.
“Guilty as charged,” he stated in that easy voice of his. Like with me, he was purposely trying to tone down its harshness and calm the threatening deep voice I had heard him using when dealing with the thief.
I laughed nervously because of course he lived near here, I mean, the price of his suit most likely cost a year’s rent. I was way out of my league here, making me wish I had never agreed to coffee.
“What is it?” he asked softly. He was obviously observant enough to notice I was now doubting what we were doing.
“Look, I really appreciate what you did for me back there, but we don’t have to get coffee, I would be fine just…” I didn’t finish before he stopped me, something easily done seeing as he hadn’t yet let go of my hand.
“Vanessa, look at me,”he ordered gently, and I forced myself to do as he asked.
The setting couldn’t have been any more romantic. We were both standing next to a lake with the gentle glow of lights illuminating us both. Oh, how different it looked now I was standing with him, admittedly feeling the safest I have ever felt before.
“If I had my way, I would be taking you to dinner, and that wish hasn’t changed just because I now know that you don’t have a view of the park… Understand?” he asked, making me release a sigh.
“But you don’t know me,” I argued, shamefully wishing I was one of those super confident girls who acted like I actually deserved to go to dinner with a man like Victor. Even his name made me want to release a sexual sigh.
“Then let’s rectify that, should we?” he said, raising a hand to my face and running the backs of his fingers down my cheek.
My eyes widened slightly at the romantic gesture, making me blush again with the intense way he was looking at me. Inthe end, all I had the ability to do was nod slightly, which was enough for him to do the same before we started walking once more.
“I have a car waiting,” he told me as we made it to the street where, just like magic, a sleek back car was illegally parked. A man in a suit got out and opened the back door, nodding a greeting to us both. I couldn’t help but swallow hard, knowing I was putting a lot of trust into someone I had just met by getting into the back of that car with him.
Especially when he reminded me of what happened by pulling the gun from beneath his jacket, but he quickly passed it to his driver and told him without explanation,
“Get rid of it.”
The man looked like he was about to say something, but Victor shook his head briefly, likely thinking I hadn’t noticed.
“Vanessa and I wish to go to a coffee shop nearby.”
“I know a place,” his driver replied.
Victor nodded before turning back to me and prompting me to get inside by saying, “After you.”
I must have looked unsure, because as I lingered by the door, looking around the street, he noticed. He nodded to his driver, no doubt subtly telling him to get back in the car because up until now he had still been holding open the door, waiting for me to move. Then as soon as he was out of sight, Victor was once again taking control.
“I know you don’t know me, but be assured that above all else I am a man of honor, which means that my word is my vow…”
Again the sound I made was a nervous one before I said, “I know but I don’t know if…”
Again, I didn’t finish because his pointed look cut off my words of protest, along with the way he took an intimidating step into me. A move that forced my head to fall right back just to keep eye contact with him so he could finish what he was saying.
“Therefore, I swear to you, no harm will come to you with me… for tonight, it is only coffee.”
I swallowed hard at this because the way he said it made it seem as if he had plans for so much more in the days to come. He also spoke in such a unique way, as if he were much older than the early thirties he looked to be. It was as if he should have been born in a different era or something. Even his accent didn’t make him sound as if he was from the States.
“So, what say you, Vanessa? Will you trust me and do me the honor of gracing me with your company?” he asked after I still hadn’t moved to get in the car.
I mean, what could I say to all that? And besides, the guy had just put himself in harm’s way to save me, the least I could do was have coffee with him. So, without another thought, I nodded before folding myself into the luxury car and getting a taste of how the other world lived. I also didn’t miss his response to this.