Page 25 of Blood Bonds
Before we had the chance at making her fall for us.
Hence why Talon had been concentrating his efforts in trying to find her. He had our men working the surveillance camaras to try and track her movements. And all of it had been in vain because she had been the one to find us… or should I say,she had found me.
The chances of such were too slim. Meaning there must be a reason for it because I didn’t believe in coincidences. I had just been thankful that unlike her first murderous impression of Tal, I had the opportunity to do things properly. Although had she turned up moments sooner, then she would have found me in the same position as she found my brother, sucking the life out of one of our enemies.
The irony was that it ended with me looking like her hero. The punk kid who turned up I should have thanked instead of breaking his wrist. For it formed enough trust within her to get her to agree to have coffee with me. Although I could feel her reluctance, it wasn’t enough to get her to run. Of course, had she done so, then I would have no other choice but to chase her down and kidnap her for a second time. Because I couldn’t risk losing her once more.
Not now we had found her again.
But even now, it felt like I was in a fucking dream, and for once, the doors remained open for me to reach her. For here she was, sitting next to me, and I had to say it was the most delicious torture clawing at my soul. The entire time, all I wanted to do was touch her. To feel what my brother already had and more. The angel had practically fallen at my feet, and it took everything in me not to simply snatch her up, there and then.
In fact, I nearly did.
But then I also knew that I had been awarded a unique opportunity, for she had no idea who I was.
What I was.
So, what if I could get her to fall for me as a man and nurture an obsession so as it might grow within her? To root myself so deeply that when the time came for her to discover who I was at my core, she wouldn’t want to run. It was a far-fetched dream to be sure, but I knew I had to at least try. Because I didn’t want her fear, I wanted her willing submission. I wanted her addiction. Her need. I wanted her obsession to fan the flames of our own.
Because I was already there.
Just in this short time, I was a Vampire lost with a craving of the likes I had never known. Everything about her I found myself utterly fascinated by. And my brother had not been exaggerating. She was the epitome of perfection, but she was also so much more.
She was fucking adorable.
Not something I ever thought myself capable of appreciating, let alone finding it the biggest fucking turn on in my life. That nervous little smile of hers… The way she tucked her hair behind her ear or the sound she made with her uneasy laugh… Her heart-shaped lips mirroring the shape of her face… The dusting of freckles across her small nose, and rosy cheeks…
Then I caught the scent of her, and I was unable to hold back from whispering the same word my brother had said.
Because he had been right.She did smell like fucking peaches.Gods but I had no fucking hope. Only the threat of the gunman kept me rooted to reality and had I moved past my astonishment long enough to act in saving her from harm. Fuck, but just the thought of what could have happened to her had I not been there, it had me gritting my teeth when my back was to her.
One thing was for fucking certain, and that was she would not ever again be so reckless with her life by walking through the park alone in the dark. She hadn’t told me what she had beendoing there but then again, neither had I. Although my nefarious reasons weren’t exactly something I could freely admit to, not without her doing as she did with Talon. The first thought in her mind would have been to ensure her freedom of me and run. Mine would have been to make chase. Which would have only led to her second kidnapping in less than twenty-four hours.
Poor girl, she had no idea and, for now, that was exactly how I preferred it. Of course, when she asked me if I was a cop, I had wanted to laugh at the irony of that question.
In fact, since our meeting in the park, I cannot recall ever smiling so much in my entire life! I found her utterly fascinating, everything from her oblivious comments, to her cute as fuck nervous rambling. I had nearly burst out laughing when she commented about both our names starting with a V. Not so much the obvious observation but more her look of horror when she realized what she had said. She had an extremely expressive face, and I was completely captivated by her responses.
Her nervousness was my favorite one so far.
It may have made me a bastard, but I enjoyed being the one to make her nervous, for her heartbeat quickened every time I did. The scent in her veins made my mouth fucking water. Her little gasps and sighs made me fucking hard. Her beautiful eyes widened, and it was a sight I easily lost myself in.
Gods, I couldn’t fucking wait to make her ours.
Speaking of which, my brother’s frustrations and anger were still very much alive as he snapped,
“I am happy you seem so fucking calm, Brother!”
“Perhaps I have reason to be,” I replied calmly, making him growl down the phone.
“Yes, nice to know sating your blood lust is all it took but for some of us who actually tasted perfection, then trust me, you would not be so easily appeased if you experienced what I had.”
I looked back at the perfection he spoke of, and told her,
“If you will excuse me a moment.”
She nodded and waved her dainty hand as if me speaking on the phone was no bother. Had it not been my brother on the other end, then it would have been a bother to me, because anything that took my attention away from her would.