Page 12 of King of Wrath
“To answer your question, I’m not going to do anything with you.”
I blink, turning back to him. “What do you mean?”
“What I said. We’re going to spend some time getting to know each other. That’s it.”
I shake my head. That doesn’t sound all that reassuring. That’s the kind of creepy thing some rapist would say to cover his real meaning.
“It really helps that you ditched Gris tonight. At least I know you’re not pining for that Brit.”
Does he realize he’s given something away? I suspected Gris was involved, but now it’s been confirmed, I know exactly who to tell my father to kill. Gris Smith is at the top of the list. Fucker.
And Toni will. If there is one thing I know about my father, he’s a killer.
“I’m Jake Kincaid, by the way. Pleased to meet you.”
I shake my head, trying to put this together. My kidnapper is just giving me his identity? He must be planning to kill me. “Are you going to rape me first? Because the term ‘getting to know each other’ sounds like code.”
The car jerks, Jake’s eyes meeting mine in the mirror. “I would never?—”
I shake my head, cutting off his words. “Why would I believe you?”
His mouth tightens, pressing into a thin line. “Listen very closely. I am not going to hurt you. Unlike your father, I have never hurt a woman in my life.”
I swallow, because it’s kind of refreshing to speak the truth about the man I have to pretend to love every day. Silver lining? Maybe. “You know that about him, do you?”
“I know a lot of terrible things about him.”
My shoulders wilt as I look down in my lap. I had no idea I needed to hear someone say that so badly. “He’s a monster.”
“Yes. He is.” I needed to hear someone say that too. Shit. How does this guy know what my heart has been pining for?
I shake my head, tears stinging my eyes. I never cry. Not anymore. And I can’t afford to fall into the guy who has just stolen me. “So what are you here for? What am I here for?”
“We can help each other.” He gets off at the next exit and for a moment, I think we might stop. Maybe I can get away…
But he only reverses direction, heading the opposite way down the highway.
Which makes sense. If anyone tracked my phone, we’d want to change direction. And that’s the moment I realize I am in way over my head.
He’s got a plan and it’s methodical, and he isn’t even trying to hide his identity, which means he’s got really good reasons for giving me his name. It wasn’t a mistake. He wanted me to know it.
My eyes flutter closed again, and I sink down until I’m lying on the back seat. I don’t cry, at least not audibly. I’ve got iron control over my emotions. I just focus on drawing the next breath.
“You good, sweetheart?” He sounds…concerned.
I don’t answer. Will my lack of cooperation make him stop the car? Hurt me? I don’t know. But I keep my lips clamped shut.
“Nia.” His voice holds a command I don’t ignore this time. I intimately understand the danger of ignoring a man who has power over you.
“If you wanted to help me, you’d drop me at the airport.” The words are whispered into the seat, but he seems to hear them anyway.
“And why were you going to the airport?”
“To take a flight.”
“Where? Why?”
“Why am I in this car?” I don’t meet his eyes. They scare me. Instead, I keep mine closed, my face pressed into the upholstery that smells like new car.