Page 48 of King of Wrath
But in that moment when I was afraid, he kissed me, held me in his arms.
Deep inside, I just think it means something.
I’m a fool. I know it. But my body has been aching for his touch and my thoughts have played on infinite loops of questions until I can’t think any more.
I just want to feel.
I head back out into the kitchen and living room, catching sight of Jake by the corner of the house.
The wind hits his back, the rain soaking his shirt, but he has a grin on his face that matches my own.
Is he glad the tension has broken between us? Or just happy the power is back on?
I watch as he turns, but I instantly gasp as a strip of metal rips from the solar panels, catches the wind, and heads right for Jake.
A scream rips from my throat, but he can’t hear me through the rain and wind.
It hits him on the back of the head with a force that sends him to his knees.
Dropping the towels, I race for the door, yanking the handle. I don’t even question why it opens as I run for Jake, my bare feet splashing through the water.
“Jake!” I scream into the wind. “Jake!”
“I’m all right,” he calls back, trying to stand, before he sinks back down. “Or I will be in a minute.”
Reaching him, I bend down too and wrap my arms about him, giving him a tug.
He lets me pull him up, but I tighten my grip when he sways. “I’ve got you,” I murmur. “I’ll help you inside.”
He wraps his arm about me, stumbling with me back into the house. The moment we’re in the entry, I close the door, pushing out the rain and the wind. My arms are still around Jake when I realize…
I’d just had my chance.
I was outside. He was on the ground.
I could have run.
He leans more heavily into me, his forehead dropping to mine. “Jesus. I didn’t see that piece coming at all.”
Next to me, an alarm sounds a song, its beeping supposed to sound melodious. But it only rings harsh in my ear. A robotic voice calls from the wall. “Alarm system rebooting.”
I blink, looking at the small box next to the door. “Alarm system engaged.”
I draw in a harsh breath. I was outside. He was on the ground.
I know I’m repeating myself but I just… How could I save him instead of myself?
He takes a step back, staring down at me. “What’s wrong?”
I shake my head. I just made a choice. Was it incredibly stupid? I don’t even know. “I just…” I look at the door.
He must understand because he takes another step from my side and grabs the handle, his thumb passing over the pad. Then, he swings it open.
I’m instantly hit with rain and wind, the water pricking at my skin.
“If you want to run, Nia, run.”