Page 67 of King of Wrath
Roman steps up next to me. “I was just explaining to the officers that we saw the car from the chopper while we were surveying our land,” Roman gives the officers a large smile.
“My wife was attempting to teach herself to drive,” I add, not even looking at the troopers. They will not deny me access to her, not now, and not at the hospital because I know that’s where we’re headed next.
My ring still glints on her finger.
I brush Nia’s blonde hair back from her cheek as her eyes slide closed. “Hey,” I say, her eyes opening back up. “No falling asleep now.”
She blinks at me slowly. “I’m not a good driver.”
“No shit,” Roman murmurs.
“You can say it,” she ignores Roman. “I don’t have the skill to get myself out of any of this do I? I’m at your mercy. At his.”
“No,” I shake my head. “I told you. I will?—"
“I’m going to need you to make that promise now,” she whispers to me.
I instantly know what she’s talking about. “I don’t want to promisethat, because it’s not going to come to anything like that. I meant every word I said.”
“Promise anyway.”
“If I’m going to betray you,” I say, “then my word doesn’t mean anything anyway.”
“What is she saying,” one of the officers asks.
Roman steps between them and us. “Gibberish. My uncle is just keeping her talking. Concussion probably. How long until the ambulance arrives?”
“Nia,” I say just loud enough for her and Roman to hear. “I am not going to hurt you for any reason.”
“No. Promise. Promise you’ll end me before you give me back. I have to know it won’t be his way.” She lets out a sob. “Promise. Please.”
I know she needs to hear the words. Some men might lie. Others might be willing to really do it. But I could never hurt her and I’ll never hide the truth from her again. “I made you a different promise, remember? I’ll die before I let him hurt you. I swear, I meant it, Nia. Every word.”
Her eyes go wide.
Roman gives a loud cough to cover our conversation but I see him shift, his gaze flitting back to her. “I’m beginning to understand,” he says to me.
“About fucking time,” I rumble back, stroking her cheek as her head lulls back, her eyes fluttering closed again.
“No sleeping,” my light strokes turn into a pat. “You need to stay right here with me.”
Her eyes fix on mine again. But they’re dilated, the pupils so big, I mutter a string of curses under my breath.
In the distance, I hear the sirens as I give her arm a vigorous rub. “Nia, baby girl, want to hear another story?”
Her eyes open again. “Story?”
“Yeah. This one is about Mason and Leo.”
“Mason and Leo,” she lifts her head. “Your nephews?”
“That’s right. They love each other, but they fight like twobickering old women. Always have. Mason thinks he knows everything, and Leo has always run hot under the collar.”
Her eyes are focusing on me, and I reach for her hand and slide her fingers into mine. “Me and Jess are a little like that. So different. But I love her.”
I want to pull her out of the car so badly, take her in my arms. “That’s exactly right. So the two of them fought all time. But then it changed.”
I’m just trying to keep her talking. Keep her engaged. “What?”