Page 7 of King of Wrath
Gris Smith approached her at the Italian’s casino and secured adate. The man is so handsome, he looks fake. And the Dukes are still relatively unknown in Vegas, which means Gris was able to fly under the radar with Nia.
He took Nia out on a group date, and then another. A few of his friends, a few of hers. Perfect gentleman both times. Toni keeps his daughters on very tight leashes. They aren’t allowed to date.
But Gris, slick fuck that he is, has convinced Nia to sneak out. Tonight.
That’s where I come in.
Gris hands me a set of keys with an H emblem. “A Honda?” I grumble, holding out the keys like they smell bad.
“Uber drivers don’t do pick-ups in Maserati’s.” He slaps my shoulder. “You’re going to love the Accord. Roomie interior.”
I snort.
“I’ve had it redesigned like a cop car. No way to open the back doors from the inside. Once she’s in…she’s in.”
From inside the house, a loud banging sound interrupts our meeting. We both look up, knowing that Leo is screwing his wife against the wall.
“He’s got some serious thrusting power,” Gris says appreciatively, even as the chorus of Kim’s cries joins the banging.
“Kim certainly thinks so,” I answer back.
Gris covers his smile with his hand. “Right. So, I’ll text you as soon as I tell her that I can’t pick her up because I’m running late and that I’m sending an Uber.”
That’s me. I’m the Uber. Only I’m not taking her to her date.
I’m taking her to a place in the desert and then I’m going to convince her to betray her father by any means necessary. I’ve come armed with several tools. The biggest, or at least the most expensive, an engagement ring…
Not that I’m the marrying kind. I’ve no intention of doing what Leo did today. But I’ll do whatever it takes to convince Nia to switch sides, change her loyalties, and if that means a fake offer of marriage. So be it.
Yeah. If you’re thinking that I might lack for the charm for this,you’d be right. But I’m going to have to dig deep and find a way. Because while I may lack the charm, I’ve got the grit. The morally gray center that will allow me to do what I don’t think my nephews could.
Deceive and ruin a potentially innocent woman.
And then I’m getting out.
But that’s a problem for after. Right now, I need to focus on the task at hand. Toni Carcetti is going down, and his daughter Nia is going to help me whether she likes it or not.
I applymy lip gloss and give myself a final check. I’ve got on a cute fitted dress with tank straps and a skirt almost to the knees. It looks date worthy, but I can easily put the cardigan I’ve packed in my bag over it and be comfortable on a plane.
I grimace in the mirror.
Ghosting Gris isn’t going to be the most fun thing I’ve ever done. I’m not attracted to the guy, but honestly, he’s been nothing but polite.
And he hasn’t mentioned my father once. It would be so much easier if he had.
I could dismiss him as an asshole.
But no, he’s been a complete gentleman on our two group dates. Maybe he’s gay and looking for a cover wife?
I cock my head. That might have been an interesting plan, but I’ve already invested in my current one.
And who knows how long a courtship like that would take and I don’t have the time. Toni is planning for this other family to comevisit so that I can meet the man he’s planned for me to marry. Not happening.
I’ve bought myself a ticket to Ontario. From there, I’ll pay cash to buy a small car and drive to Quebec. I don’t have a license, but I convinced my cousin to give me a couple of driving lessons. Hopefully, they’ll be enough.