Page 13 of Wire
“Brother,” he nods before taking the beer Takoda has placed in front of him. “Where’s Remy? You should have invited her for a drink.”
I can feel my brows pulling down. What the fuck does he want with Remy?
“Yeah brother. She’s a lovely girl. It’d do her good to get out more. She’s only ever out here for meals, then she creeps away again.” Sniper says, while Switch nods solemnly next to him. I clench my teeth, thinking about all the meals she’s had with these fuckers. I have no idea why it pisses me off to see her with them giggling and smiling.
“She was getting organized for Chewy’s Girls’ Night,” I let them all know. I may or may not have also given them all the hairy eyeball.
“Good. It’ll be good for her to make some friends. She’s a real sweetheart, and I don’t like the thought of her sneaking around here like she’s unwanted. She’s like a ghost, almost.” Tank continues on.
Taking a sip of my beer, I let the flavors burst on my tongue and as much as it pisses me off, I can’t help but nod and agree with them.
“Her mother taught her to be invisible when she had a John visiting.” This comment is met with a series of “What the fuck?” I nod, “Yeah. She hid in a Rug Rats teepee that Flack got her. Soon as he found out her mother was not only prostituting, but doing it at home, he picked up Remy and she never went back.”
The brothers all nod and grumble out agreement that Flack did a good thing. We drink in silence for a moment before animpossibly deep voice says, “Fucking loved Rug Rats as a kid,” We all spin to look at the prospect.
“Fucking hell! And I thought Tank’s Barry White voice was smooth and sexy! Damn kid, you could drop panties just by saying hello!” Switch says, all of us laughing along with him, the prospect’s face turning a dark shade of red.
“Anyway, I’m glad she’s off with Chewy for the night. Even if Chewy is fucking weird sometimes.” Tank’s smooth voice says. I notice he’s tried to deepen it to compete with the prospect.
“That’s my Ol lady, you fucker!” Rhodie’s voice grits out as he storms over and cuffs Tank around the head.
“Oh, like you haven’t noticed?”
“Of course I fucking have! She owns a tank full of dick fish that she’s hand reared as if they’re her own babies. But still, she’s the best thing to ever happen to me, so keep your mouth shut, Tank.”
Switch decides it’s his turn to fuck with Rhodie, so he says, “Oh, you’re just pissed because you’re stuck here while Chewy is having a Girls’ Night and you’re not allowed to go. Pussy whipped by the ole ball and chain, huh?”
“I am not pussy whipped, and she isn’t a ball and chain. She doesn’t weigh me down, she lifts me up. She’s the wind beneath my wings, fucker.”
He swipes his beer off the bar top and downs half of it in an effort to calm down while we all piss ourselves laughing. We continue to shoot the shit until our drinks are done, then I decide to ditch and head back to my room. Partly because I want to message Retta, to see how she’s getting on. But mainly because I could see Whitney had her tractor beams on and was looking like she was headed my way. No, thank you. Fuck, my momma would have a damn heart attack if I took Whitney home. Not that there’s anything wrong with her or what she does around here. Women can do what they like with their bodies.The problem with Whitney is that she’s vicious and conniving. But she has a mouth like a hoover, so the brothers keep her around.
Instead of sitting at my desk, I grab my laptop, kick off my boots and lie down on my bed, with my top half propped up on pillows for the ultimate in comfort. I pull up mine and Retta’s message threads and marvel at how many messages we exchange.
Our last messages were her telling me she accidentally happened upon a bunch of swingers at her new job. I have no idea how, given that I’m pretty certain she works with kids. Perhaps some of her coworkers are swingers. They seem to be everywhere these days. Shit, Gus and Ana were accidentally camped next to some. I even saw the guy’s dick.
St_Margarita: Hey you, what’s happening tonight? Did you end up talking to that quiet bunch at your work?
She had told me she was finding it a little tricky to fit in at mealtimes. I suggested maybe she wants to look out for a quieter group to eat with, people a little more like her. I know from all the years talking to her she’s a bit shy, and not very extroverted. Hell, that comes through her messages.
Beretta_Penn: Yes! It totally worked! I have a group that I’ve infiltrated and we eat together now. They’re really sweet. I think I’ve convinced them I’m cool??Your magic advice worked!
St_Margarita: What did I tell you?
Beretta_Penn: All hail the wise one. I bow at your feet!
A snort escapes me. Fuck, we’re geeks.
Beretta_Penn: OK, so I need your advice. One of my coworkers invited me to her house for a get together thing. What do I take? Are chips OK? She said to wear pajamas so we can be comfy and relaxed and stuff but usually I just wear an old shirt of my dad’s and shorts. Is that OK?
That is not a visual I needed. I don’t know what she looks like other than the comments she’s dropped over the years about how annoying big boobs are or her soft belly or whatever. So I have a vague idea. Anyway, not knowing what she looks like has never held me back from fantasizing about what it would be like if she were here with me. Which is a total ass of a thing to be thinking about my best friend. So I answer her as she would expect her guy bestie to answer her.
St_Margarita: I thought girls wore lingerie to girls’ night parties?
Beretta_Penn: You’re a pig. I’m not sure how you manage to lure poor, unsuspecting women to sleep with you.
St_Margarita: What can I say? It’s a gift.
St_Margarita: Anyway, I think go in whatever you feel comfortable in. And then message me tomorrow with all the sexy details.