Page 20 of Wire
I stand up and hold my hands up. “May I?” I ask him. He looks up at me with his eyebrows pinched, head tilted in confusion. “My sister says I have magic hands. She’d ask for a massage after a workout, or after a long day at school when she was training to be a chef. Or sometimes for no reason at all.”
I’m rambling now. I’ve just realized I’ve offered to massage the hottest man I’ve ever seen in my life. Who the heck am I right now?
“Shit sweetheart, if you’re down, I’m down. Have at it.” He gifts me a wide smile, his white teeth sparkling in his brown face.
I move behind him, placing my hands on his broad shoulders. Without thinking too deep into things, I knead the muscles in his neck and shoulders. A groan rumbles out of him and my thighs clench in reply. Holy moly, the noises this man is making are bordering on obscene. I can feel my pussy pulse as my senses are filled to the brim with Wire. I’m surrounded by his scent, his groans filling the air, his hard muscles under my hands.
“Shit, Remy, that feels so damn good. You’re wasted as a librarian girl,” my hands bounce as he lets out a chuckle.
“Ha, that’s what Sunny says.”
We carry on in companionable silence until Wire takes hold of my hand and pulls me to sit beside him.
“Thanks, Rem. That feels so much better. But now it’s time to look after you. It’s getting late, so if you like, I’ll keep watch for a little longer if you want to go get yourself ready for bed.”
He is so sweet and thoughtful, and after work today and all the excitement and worry of the past few hours, I can admit that I am exhausted.
“I’d love that, but what about your cameras? I know you like to check them.” A look that I can’t decipher flicks across his face before it’s gone just as quickly as it came.
“I’m sure it’ll be fine for a little while. Besides, Chewy is in there. But then again, so is Rhodie, so maybe not a lot of camera work will go on. And they better not be fucking on my bed!” His face grows stormy, and a laugh escapes me, hearty and strong, shaking off the stress of the day.
“Thank you, Wire, I appreciate this, um, you. Good night.” I give him a smile before turning and kissing my dad on his rough, hairy cheek. “Night Dad, love you.”
I head toward the door, turning to check on Dad one last time to see Wire settling in next to him. His hazel eyes flick to mine as he gives me a chin lift.
“Night Rem.”
Chapter Six
Beretta_Penn: You know I kinda thought as I got older it would be easier to make friends.
St_Margarita: Why do you need more? I’m all you’ll ever need.
Beretta_Penn: What about when I want to talk about periods?
St_Margarita: Talk away. I have a mom and three sisters. I know all about the cramps and the period poops.
Beretta_Penn: I have no idea why I keep talking to you.
St_Margarita: Because you’re my ride or die. Til the bitter end sweetheart. We’re BFF’s for life. I’ll have your back, Retta. For always.
Beretta_Penn: I’ll have yours too Mags. For always.
Last night I sat with Flack for a while and sent a message through to Retta, checking in on her. It kills me knowing she’s dealing with her sick dad alone. Because I couldn’t be there withher, I figured the next best thing I could do was help another friend who needed a shoulder to lean on. Remy looked so small and broken sitting next to Flack’s bed, it broke my heart. There is just something about this woman that makes all my protective instincts flare up. And then because I’m an absolute pig, I came back to my room and worked my cock thinking of both Remy and Retta somehow rolled into one. I have no idea how it happened or what my brain was thinking, but it’s fucked up.
Even more fucked up was all that happened after I watched Chewy work over one of the nomads that Gus and Tav managed to grab in the shoot out. Her new set up has her flaying skin to her Backstreet Boys mix. Disturbing? Yes. Effective? Also yes. The poor fucker was begging for death by the time he finished squealing his secrets. And squeal he did. It would seem that Hammer has himself a fairly large nomad MC and it’s growing by the day. His officers are the men that sided with him when the Death Riders split, around a dozen or so men acting nomad and getting up to who the fuck knows what. I’ve had my system working overnight looking for anything that he may have a hand in and nothing has come up yet.
I don’t know what the hell went down with the Death Riders causing the initial split other than Savage wanting to go legit. I trust my Prez and I know that he would never have allied with an MC that had shit going down, but there are some quirks about the Death Riders that have me questioning a few things. Having Remy here to learn from me and Chewy is one of the things I keep mulling over. I would have thought a brother would be more suited to the job. Even more interesting is that Remy mentioned Savage only takes his officers with him when he rides out, his most trusted men. That statement in itself didn’t strike me as odd. What did was the fact that Remy knew that and seems to know a lot more about the MC than most women would. I don’t want to say MC men are chauvinisticcavemen, but we all know that the inner workings of an MC are never shared with the women and children, for their protection. Deniable plausibility and shit.
“Can I ask you something?” I jump at Chewy’s voice, which sounds way too close for comfort. Tilting my head, I’m met with one giant whiskey colored eye in my periphery.
“Chewy?” I whisper, because it would feel weird talking at normal volume being this close.
“Yeah?” she whispers back.
“Why are you so close?”